Saturday, 31 August 2013
The pro-Muslim Brotherhood Obama s not an honest broker when it comes to a Military intervention in the Syrian conflict.
This post was written in response to Andrew Coyne's recent article for the National Post supporting some kind of intervention by the Obama led U.S. which I took issue with. Mr. Coyne's arguement is a valid one and one made with human compassion which is a great credit to him. The only flaw in his reasoning as far as I can see is that it is still not at all clear, despite Secretary of State John Kerry's assurances, that it was the Bashir Assad regime who were responsible for the use of chemical weapons. It just as easily could have been the rebels in a set-up to garner the sympathies of the West for their cause. Would the rebels slaughter their own people to garner support from the West? You bet they would!
Consider who the rebels are. They are Sunni Muslims who are comprised of many elements of Al Qaeda, and more importantly, the granddaddy of all terrorist groups and the organization best equipped to benefit from the fall of Assad, the Muslim Brotherhood. We know from the Muslim Brotherhood's slaughter of Christians and non-compliant Muslims in Egypt what barbarism they are capable of.
Assad, on the other hand is an Alawite Muslim which is a sub-sect of the Shiite Muslims which run Iran and also support Assad. Assad is also primarily secular in his governance and is much more supportive of religious minorities, particularly Christians, than the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood would ever be were they to take control of Syria. Furthermore, with the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in charge in Syria all bets are off as to whether they would keep the peace with Israel.
Assad, admittedly, is a brutal dictator make no mistake about that; but, up to the rebellion started by the Sunni extremists two years ago, he was a stable dictator who more or less treated his minorities with equanimity. Should the Muslim Brotherhood controlled rebels ever take over however, Assad’s regime may turn out to have been a walk in the park by comparison.
The plot thickens however when you consider Obama's motives for attacking Assad. Obama’s past record suggests he is pro- Sunni Muslim Brotherhood. He himself was also the son of a Sunni Muslim father and he attended a Sunni Muslim mosque in Indonesia as a young child and was brought up during this period to be a Sunni Muslim. Later, in America he attended an allegedly Christian church which was run by a Minister, Reverend Wright, who taught liberation theology, which is as much Marxist as it is Christian. So I am not claiming that Obama is a secret Sunni Muslim now but clearly his attachment to Christianity is tentative at best and that given his early upbringing he has clear memories of and sympathies to Sunni Islam.
Consider also that since the beginning of his administration in 2008 that Obama has routinely consulted with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House via the auspices of their North American front group, ISNA.
On ISNA's recommendation he had removed the words, Islam, Islamic, Islamist, Muslim, Mohammedan etc. from all National Security documents pertaining to acts of terror or planned acts of terror. Since 2008, terrorism, if it is called terrorism at all, has become generic with no religious affiliation. A clear example of this bias at work was after Major Nidal Hassan (the Fort Hood shooter) was arrested for gunning down many of his military colleagues while shouting "Allahu Akbar", and he was not charged with Islamic terrorism or even terrorism but merely 'workplace violence".
Another example of Obama's Sunni Islam, pro-Muslim Brotherhood bias has been his support for Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. During the so-called Arab Spring crisis in Egypt, while Egypt was still controlled by the pro-US, pro-Western military dictator, Hosni Mubarak, who also honored the peace treaty with Israel, Obama, threw Mubarak under the bus despite the advice to the contrary from many security experts and supported the revolution.
Who took over after an alleged 'free' election after Mubarak was removed from office, but the well-organized Muslim Brotherhood under Mohammed Morsi? The Sunni Muslim extremist Morsi , as soon as he assumed power, did what the Muslim Brotherhood has always promised to do, he re-wrote the Egyptian constitution and attempted to fully implement the abomination which is Sharia law upon the entire population.
Also, under the Sunni Islamic extremist Morsi, the persecution of the Coptic Christian minority in Egypt went up exponentially. When the more moderate Egyptians, secularists and would be democracy advocates protested nationally for weeks against Morsi and his Sunni Muslim extremism, Obama spoke out in support of the ‘democratically’ elected Morsi regime. Then when the military invoked the will of the moderates, arrested Morsi and threw the Muslim Brotherhood out of office and installed a much more moderate interim leader, Obama still came out in support of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood and threatened again to cut off aid to Egypt, despite the glaring fact that the new leadership was much more pro-Western than Morsi was.
Consider also Obama’s hostile relationship to Shiite Iran but friendly relationship to Sunni Saudi Arabia. Keep in mind that it is Saudi Arabia that funds the Wahhabi controlled mosques throughout America, Canada and Western Europe. The particularly virulent form of Islam, Wahabism, which is preached by fanatical imams in these mosques is hostile to the American constitution, the American way of life, Christianity, Judaism and secularism. These extremists (stealth jihadists) are working covertly and sometimes overtly around the clock to change America (and the other Western democracies) and to implement the abomination which is Sharia law. They have also penetrated most American universities and the public school system attempting to promote their supremacist agenda. The Obama administration however continues to look the other way while the slow and steady Muslim Brotherhood takeover of America continues. So, in conclusion, when you consider the imminent attack against the Alawite (Shiite) Assad regime in Syria, in favor of the Sunni Muslim rebels, do you really think that Obama is an honest broker?
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Innocent Tourist Amr Kassem just another Goat-Bearded Jihadi.
Yes, yes, the same old politically correct stories are printed by the mainstream media, time and again, to sell us on the myth that our Muslim brethren are just like us. Just loyal Americans or Canadians who are victimized by circumstances. How sad, how touching.
Recently, the taxpayer funded C.B.C. (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) served us up their usual dish of pablum and informed us that Amr Kassem, a Canadian permanent resident, who lived in Toronto but was visiting relatives in Egypt when he, uh, 'spontaneouly' decided to join the protests in Alexandria and was allegedly shot by government snipers in the back of the head and killed.
This article was accompanied with nice family photos of Amr with his Hijab covered wife and infant daughter standing and smiling against the backdrop of a Toronto beach on a beautiful sunny day. Fade to reality.
Upon further investigation by blogger Jonathan Halevi and the Toronto Sun it turns out that this 'innocent' family man killed while on vacation in Egypt was nothing of the kind.
It turns out that: "Amr Kassem’s Facebook page reveals his radical Islamic political views. Kassem expressed opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood and sided with the even more extremist Islamic Salafi movement. On August 15, a day before he was killed and while in Alexandria Egypt, Kassem changed his Facebook profile picture to the flag of the jihad. In his postings he showed support for the violent protests against the military regime and in one case favored setting fire to the Media Production City building after demonstrating in front of it."
"In his answers to Internet surveys Kassem wholeheartedly endorsed the Salafi movement, espoused the implementation of Sharia law and the establishment of the Caliphate and sympathized with Qaeda’s founder Osama Bin Laden, whom he called “Mujahid” (jihad fighter)."
So much for the moderate and loyal Toronto family man.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Barbara Kay: My response to her article " How a critic of Islam ended up in the check-out aisle"
Hah! Who in their right mind or who still capable of personal integrity still takes Islam seriously as anything but totalitarian death cult with the destruction of civilization and ultimately humanity as its goal?
One wonders who is paying for the politically correct pro-Islamic agenda based on Orwellian doublespeak and contrarian truths? Presumably either the Saudis or the Supreme Council of Ayatollahs in Iran, or both in conjunction with the godless mandarins of the hard Left.
The entire pro-Islamic conspiracy taught at some of our finest universities among people who should know better smacks of delusional elitism on the one hand and the prophecies of the final book of the New Testament, Revelation, on the other.
Revelation, specifically, predicted a time in the last days of our current civilization of state authorized decapitations (a very Muslim practice) for those rejecting the number of the 'beast' and of a one world government advocating a one world religion which our elites seem bound and determined to implement over the wishes of ordinary people who know better. Again this is an Orwellian world of confusing doublespeak where Lies are Truth and Truth are Lies, Love is Hate and Hate is Love.
Progressively the world seems to be divided into a world fostered by the Satanic agenda of our elites and struggled against by ordinary men and women who are aware of the truth of what is happening but are relatively powerless in their struggle against it.
It is a Manichean world which will see only one final victor.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Kirsten Powers, a former atheist, is "Pursued by God" perhaps via the writings of C.S. Lewis
I am gratified to hear the Kirsten Powers has allowed Jesus into her life. As a fellow Christian I can applaud her decision. You will forgive me however if I am a little skeptical of her claim that "God pursued me" as it is almost a verbatim copy of the claims made by one of the English speaking world's greatest and most published Christian apologists, C.S. Lewis, about how he came to Christ.
My instincts tell me that perhaps Ms. Powers is cynically using a little 'poetic license' in the telling of her story for its dramatic value. I hope I am wrong and I am inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt; on the other hand, the well-educated and erudite Ms. Powers would have been more than aware of the writings of C.S. Lewis.
That being said it probably can be argued that the phenomenon of fundamentally moral, if not religious, people being 'pursued' by God is a more common occurrence than we know and that Ms. Powers came to this experience completely independent of any reading of C.S. Lewis.
For the sake of her immortal soul I hope the latter is the case.
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, A Defender of the Faith?
Putin says leaders should unite to end anti-Christian persecution??
Whatever Putin's political motivations for his 'new found' discovery of his Christian faith, which he probably has not practiced since he was a toddler in Sunday school (if ever), you can be sure his motivations are multi-faceted and determined to protect Russian culture from its greatest threat.
The changing demographic dynamics in Russia and throughout much of the planet are witnessing the exponential explosion of Muslim birthrates concurrent with shrinking birthrates in the Christian populations. The non-Muslim populations are getting old and are not having sufficient children to take care of them while the burgeoning under 20 population is largely Muslim. This is true not only in Russia but increasingly in much of the world.
Putin understands that the pre-Soviet era in Russia saw much larger birthrates in Russia when the Russian Orthodox Christian church was still influential than it ever has since either under communism or post-communism and the oligarchs.
Many world leaders, including Angel Merkel the Chancellor of Germany, are waking up to the threatening reality of their shrinking populations concurrent with the loss of the Christian religion. Merkel famously said recently regarding the demographic changes in Germany, "The problem is not too much Islam, the problem is too little Christianity.
Even former Labour Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, once an avowed secularist, has 'rediscovered' his Christianity since leaving office. He had now become a leading advocate of inter-faith dialog. A dubious pursuit at best. Britain, like much of Western Europe is under threat from their growing Muslim populations.
Many, are slowly waking up to the two-pronged threat of losing the influence of Christianity on Western culture to be supplanted by the dark and evil faith of Islam. Yes, they are waking up but is it too little too late?
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