Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Australian 'carbon capture' technology. An Eco-friendly winner or a tax-payer abusing carbon wet dream?

This sounds like a brilliant idea, at least at first glance. IF the plastic products produced by this 'carbon capture' technology have credible commercial application potential; and IF this plastic produced is biodegradable OR able tor replace plastic products from other sources, for example non-renewables like petroleum; and IF the industrial producers of significant carbon emissions pollution seize upon this technology as a money making pollution control measure while improving their carbon imprint profile; THEN, we may have an Eco-friendly winner on our hands. If on the other hand this 'carbon capture' technology is another one of those 'green' boondoggles like Wind turbines, Solar Panels, Electric cars etc. etc., which are a million miles long on promise and a yard long on delivery; then, we are being confronted with another locus for billions of taxpayers dollars being wasted on a carbon emissions wet dream. After over a decade of 'Green Energy' boondoggles sponsored by the McGuinty/Wynne abomination (government) in Ontario, Canada; which, has literally squandered billions on wind farms only to produce unreliable and unusable energy; and after observing five years of the risible Obama administration in the U.S. wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on 'Green Energy' fiascoes such as Solyndra, you will have to forgive me for remaining highly skeptical.