Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Unconscionable Chinese Communist leaders crack down on Christians and other groups of conscience, like Falun Gong practitioners, Taoists and Tibetan Buddhist Monks.

The Chinese communist leaders are notorious for cracking down on and eliminating (if they can) any group of conscience, from Christians, to Falun Gong practitioners, from Taoists to Tibetan Buddhist monks. Chinese leaders are themselves singularly without conscience; but nonetheless, they instinctively understand that groups of real conscience, like those cited above, make these Chinese leaders appear morally bankrupt by default. That is the nature of the totalitarian mindset from communists, to Nazis, to Fascists to Islamofascists, they cannot tolerate being exposed for the empty and banal evil that they both embrace and enshrine.

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Top Reagan Scholar Opines: Marco Rubio Is The ‘Closest Thing’ To A ‘Next Reagan’

I disagree with many of the naysayers on the Left and the Right who put down or otherwise underestimate Marco Rubio. Rubio is a fine American and he would be a great GOP candidate in 2016; but, he is no Ronald Reagan, at least at this point in his development. Rubio is too young, he lack's Reagan's gravitas, maturity, and the always bemused twinkle in Reagan's Irish eyes. Most importantly he lacks Reagan's instinctive sense of the greatness of America and her people. Rubio certainly pays lip service to the 'greatness of America' but Reagan lived it, he exuded it through his pores, the force of his smile and the timber in his voice. After the sound whipping that the U.S. military had received at the hands of Ho Chi Minh and the North Vietnamese, Americans had lost much of their national self-confidence and pride, but Reagan, after holding the demoralized and subdued Carter to a one-term Presidency and instantly ending the hostage crisis in Tehran, effectively restored much of that lost pride. When Herbert Walker Bush (Bush 41) soundly defeated Saddam Hussein militarily during 'Desert Storm' in the oil fields of Kuwait, he carried on Reagan's legacy and he cemented the restored confidence. That restored confidence held until another 'Chamberlainesque' Democrat President, the Dhimmi traitor Obama, undermined it again, with his saboteur ways. So, after nearly six years of the saboteur Obama, I can certainly understand why the GOP and all loyal Americans desperately are looking for another Ronald Reagan; but, poor, well intended Marco Rubio, is not the guy.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

"Money For Nothing" The Increasingly Sad Case of Alison Redford

I actually find myself feeling sorry for this woman, maybe I shouldn't, but I do. When she first won the leadership of the Progressive Conservatives, I was disappointed, but what could I do, it wasn't my call. When, in an a general election campaign, and contrary to the predictions of most pollsters, she succeeded in winning a comfortable majority at the expense of my favourites, Danielle Smith and the Wild rose Party, I was outraged. I had felt that Albertans had somehow betrayed their well-deserved reputation for fierce independence from big government nanny statism and high taxes. I had known from the beginning that the smarmy, entitlement obsessed, U.N. alumnus, Redford, was a terrible choice as leader but after the election and knowing that we would have to put up with her for at least four more years, was for me an untenable situation. That she quickly lived up to and soon exceeded my worst expectations of her came as both a confirmation of my instincts about her but equally fired up my outrage. When, however, she took the coward’s way out and resigned as leader over misuse of taxpayer's money, after initially refusing to pay back the money she had frivolously spent on herself and her daughter; only to be hounded by the press and public opinion into reversing her poorly advised decision, I was strangely disappointed. I confess that after she agreed to pay back the misspent money that I did not want to see her resign. I had thought, okay, this is a learning moment for Redford. This was an opportunity for this overly proud and intractable woman to show some real humility, apologize to the voters of Alberta and live with the consequences of their disapproval. She could have provided the voters of Alberta the opportunity to forgive her and likewise have the opportunity to forgive herself and equally double down and become a much better leader. That she failed to weather the storm and chose to sit as an ordinary MLA, without even a portfolio was sad enough, but now, not even demonstrating the self-discipline and integrity necessary to show up to work and earn the over one hundred grand a year she makes as an MLA, suggests to me a broken spirit or perhaps merely a fundamentally larcenous spirit. Either way, clearly, the God’s of sound character are not smiling down upon Alison Redford.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

A Conservative Leader, A Social Democrat and the Village Idiot go to the Polls and Reality begins to set in.

It was inevitable that the pro-Liberal polls of the past would begin to reverse themselves. As the electorate get closer to the election the hard facts of reality begin to sink in. In 2015 it will be a clear choice among three very different leaders. One who is experienced, well seasoned, has the international respect of his peers and is in firm control of his country and its economy, the Right Honorable Stephen Harper. A second, who although a social democrat (socialist) is nonetheless a centrist, a moderate, a man of some gravitas and most importantly, an adult, the Right Honourable Thomas Mulcair. A third, who smokes dope, admires Communist China, finds it distasteful that our government refers to honour killings as barbaric, who has made excuses for the Boston Marathon terrorists and believes that budgets balance themselves, the Right Ridiculous Justin Trudeau.

The latest delay of the Keystone XL pipeline by the shiftless Obama, for purely political reasons, will will hurt the economy in U.S.and Canada, according to all reliable sources.

It is interesting to go slumming every once in a while to see if some of the mainstream media still attracts the usual, low information opinions from the hard Left. They do. Contrary to the insensate mutterings from the ideological gutter however, reliable sources are quite correct in their assessment, more than correct, they are painfully obvious. The building and implementation of the Keystone XL pipeline will almost instantly create thousands of jobs on both sides of the border and go a very long way in completely ensuring North American energy independence. It has been assessed more than once by the EPA and has been found to be completely carbon neutral and safe. The U.S. State Department approves it, all Republicans and the majority of Democrats in both the House and the Senate approve it and nearly 90% of both the American and Canadian people want it passed. The shiftless Obama however continues to demur on making a decision on this no-brainer, succumbing to pressure from the hard Left of his base. I am however, so use to Obama making ill-advised and dishonorable decisions on just about any matter that his politically informed idiocy over Keystone XL is to be expected.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Amid protests from Islamofascists, Brandeis U withdraws honour for Ayaan Hirsi Ali, defender of Muslim women and critic of Islam

The disingenuous Muslim students at Brandeis university admit, on the one hand, that Ayaan Hirsi Ali raises many valid points about the terrible abuses that women and girls suffer in Islamic culture; but, on the otherhand, they refuse to allow to allow that there is any correlation between those abuses and the nature of Islam itself. Yet, that precisely is the nature of Islam, reinforced by fascist organizations like CAIR, that any criticism of Islam is not allowed, pending charges of Islamophobia (a fabricated hoax of a term) or even death. According to the disingenuous Muslim students at Brandeis, misogynist horrors in Muslim culture must be treated in isolation as if they have no primary cause. Ayaan Hirsi Ali and other sane critics know better. Islam is the cause and only a MAJOR overhaul of Islam will be the cure. Ms. Hirsi Ali, who is by all accounts a wonderful woman, has stated on innumerable occasions that her problem is with the totalitarian ideology of Islam, not Muslims per se. That is precisely, incidentally, my position as well. One despises totalitarian ideologies like Nazism, Fascism, Communism and the granddaddy of all totalitarian ideologies, Islamism. One does NOT despise Germans, Italians, Russians, Chinese or Muslims because they are merely people who have been the greatest victims of these horrific ideologies. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is a cultural Muslim herself. She was born to a Muslim family, all her existing blood relatives are Muslim, so she does not hate Muslims. Furthermore, reinforcing her being the highly intelligent, sensitive, sophisticated woman she is, she is married to one of the great conservative thinkers of the English speaking world, Niall Ferguson. Ms Ali is well and above the knee-jerk reactionism that the simple-minded Muslim students of Brandeis are guilty of and falsely accuse her of being. Despite all the horrors that Muslims fanatics have subjected her too, forced female genital mutilation, forced marriage (that she rejected) years of death threats from Muslim terrorists/assassins, the murder of her friend and colleague, filmmaker Theo Van Gogh by a Muslim fanatic, and still forced to live in hiding under police protection to this day; she is able to rise above personal recriminations to share her story and help her fellow, victimized Muslims, to throw off the shackles of bondage to the horror which is Islam and seek a better life. This woman is a saint and should have been honored at Brandeis with laurels, garlands and a marching band instead of demonized by a group of little Islamofascists in the making.