Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Loony Left wing professor targets Target for selling 'sexist' Superhero pajamas to pre-literate toddlers and the risible CBC promotes this nonsense as news.

Laughable! You truly cannot make this stuff up. Only the risible CBC would consider this nonsense controversial and only loony Left wing professors would be offended by PJs designed for toddlers, which convert post infant little boys into superheroes and little girls into the women who want to date them. Keep in mind folks that the toddlers who are wearing these PJs, do not read, and even if in a rare circumstance they could, they would not comprehend the significance of the message. These PJs were designed to amuse admiring adults of young children and not to condition toddlers into becoming sexists. The outrage over this is too puerile to be believed. Lighten up folks. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/target-baby-pjs-say-boys-are-heroes-girls-can-date-them-1.2782450?utm_content=buffer25c1d&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

My comments on: Neil Young’s New Climate Anthem "Who’s Gonna Stand Up"

This is a well written and even touching song by the great Neil Young; but, one has to keep in mind that his greatness comes not from his naive, uninformed, even flaky grasp of economics and the environment, but rather from his impressive body of creative work and his staying power in a very competitive and often unforgiving industry. You have a right to your opinions Neil, but, many of us with our heads screwed on tight know that your uninformed opinions about the Alberta Oil Sands and the countless lives they improve through the tax revenues they generate, do not amount to a hill of rat droppings simply because you are a famous, singer/songwriter. You are well out of your depth on this one Neil. Finally, the protection of the land is hardly an either/or proposition. It is not a scenario where indolent, uninformed, uneducated, unsophisticated First Nations people living on a reserve, while looking forward to their next government check, are somehow the exclusive (some would say imaginary) protectors of the land. Compared them to all the well trained, highly motivated, scientists and technicians who work for the oil industry and annually crank out sophisticated technology designed at great expense to progressively reduce the carbon imprint at all levels in the oil industry, while allowing this wealth producing industry to continue to survive and thrive. Who are the real protectors of the land? http://www.democracynow.org/blog/2014/9/19/exclusive_listen_to_neil_youngs_new

Monday, 22 September 2014

New Brunswick Election: After two centuries of backwardness and ineptitude Herring Chokers (New Brunswickers). once again, cast their ballot for failure and redundancy rather than reach for success.

What a bunch of stunned herring chokers (New Brunswickers). Once again they settle for failure subsidized by transfer payments from Alberta and Saskatchewan (and formerly from Ontario and Quebec) rather than success which would have been subsidized by the natural gas industry, which could have been developed through fracking. But, oh no, the herring chokers, conditioned by two centuries of being a failed economy in a failed province, in a failed region with a failure's worldview, are not about to break with tradition now and reach for the brass ring. Once again they settle for, ugh, Liberalism (read socialism, cowardice, lack of imagination and pseudo environmentalism), while living on the dole. PAH! http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/politics/archives/2014/09/20140922-083519.html