Friday, 22 May 2015

Michelle Malkin correctly points out that Obama's weaselly claim that "You didn't built that" is both "historically ignorant and cynically demagogic".

When it comes to getting to where he is through other people's help, Obama literally wrote the book on it. Clearly Obama believes that because he (unlike all other Presidential candidates), was not properly vetted by the sycophantic media; because he was was carried through Harvard and other academic institutions for which he has yet to provide his transcripts; and because his 2008 election and particularly his 2012 re-election (after four years of gross incompetence) was won for him by Senior Strategist David Axelrod, that everyone else is as weak, deceitful and as dependent on others as him. "You didn't build that" was his 2012 campaign slogan. According to Michelle Malkin (whose new book "Who built that?", has become a bestseller), Obama's weaselly claim that "You didn't build that" is both "historically ignorant and cynically demagogic". I cannot agree more.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Left wing Australian loons were actually offended because Australian PM, Tony Abbot, called the ISIS Death Cult, A Death Cult. You truly cannot make stuff this absurd up.

I would be attempted to laugh out loud about the absurdity of idiots on the Left actually being offended about ISIS the death cult, being called a death cult, if the existence and the actions of ISIS were not so horrific. Equally, if such absurd and dangerous far Left thinking had not infected Canada and the U.S. as well. Between the demented Left and the psychopathic Islamic terrorists we are truly cursed with an implacable evil in our current time. God help us, or rather, Pray to God, but keep your powder dry.