Thursday, 29 December 2016

Judas-Barack Hussein Obama. joins a pantheon of epic traitors, from Benedict Arnold to Judas Iscariot, by betraying a friend and ally, the noble state of Israel, to the ravening wolves of the U.N.. His shame will live on in infamy.

Judas-Barack Hussein Obama, is a name that will live on in infamy. Judas-Barack, is to the 21st century what Benedict Arnold was to the 18th century and Judas Iscariot was to the 1st century, an epic traitor of damning proportions. Judas-Barack Hussein Obama, true to his name and his ethnic and religious antecedents, betrayed a true friend and staunch ally of America, by an unprecedented abstention, on an Obama administration orchestrated, anti-Israel U.N. resolution, effectively allowing it to pass and become international law. This betrayal has happened under no other U.S. Administration which have, Republican or Democrat, ALWAYS vetoed any anti-Israel U.N. resolution ever put forward. The U.S. has previously ALWAYS defended their friend and ally Israel; but, then again, this is the first time America has ever had a non-citizen and a Muhammadan in the Oval Office, living vigorously up to the Islamic code of non-morality, non-integrity and non-reliability, Taqiyya. As in any other endeavor in life, then so with the now seriously diminished U.S. Presidency, you get what you pay for and you will be known by the company you keep.

Monday, 21 November 2016

David Coletto of Abacus Data, like many other professional pollsters, continue to spin their failure in accurately predicting the U.S. election results.

David Coletto, the data-driven strategist & CEO of Abacus Data, like many other pollsters, is scrambling to defend his hit and miss industry after their epic failure in accurately predicting the U.S. election results. He claims, somewhat disingenuously, that many of the polls were correct it was just the interpretations which were way off. Hello? What is the good of pollsters if they can only register data like any, well, abacus, without being able to correctly interpret the data in an instructive or revealing manner? What are we paying them for? Furthermore, this "failure of interpretation" is hardly unique, indeed it has become a pattern. One recalls the Alberta election, of a few years ago, when all the pollsters (even Abacus) were calling for the high likelihood of a win by the Wild Rose Party and the end of a Progressive Conservative political dynasty. Yet, when the smoke had cleared after the election, the incumbent PC's under the hopelessly corrupt and now disgraced Alison Redford, won an impressive majority. In retrospect, some might claim that the pollsters got it right, they just predicted the wrong election under the wrong party, to finally defeat the PCs.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

The totalitarian barbarism which is always essential to Islam always remains the problem in any country where Muslims are in the majority.

Like the sincere attempt at secularism by Turkey's Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, so the sincere attempt by Syrian philosopher Michel Aflaq to spark a secular pan-Arabism under the auspices of Ba' ath Party socialism; both were ultimately doomed to failure. The pervasive totalitarianism which is a essential component of Islamic ideology inevitably rears its putrid head in the form of Recep Erdogan the Turkish Islamist despot and Saddam Hussein the Iraqi fascist dictator with his strongly sectarian Islamist sensibilities couched in the imaginary secularism of Ba' athist socialism. The problem, as always, remains Islam.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Despite the fatuous claims about man made climate change by the Government of Canada's 'Ministry of the Environment' website, The 'science' over man made climate change is Unclear.

Despite the fatuous claims about man made climate change by the Government of Canada's 'Ministry of the Environment' website, The 'science' over man made climate change is Unclear. Man made climate change is a hoax perpetrated under the auspices of pseudo-science by treasonous Agenda 21 advocates, neo-Marxists, the mentally ill and the profoundly gullible. Climate change itself is real and has existed in a state of flux on the planet earth for several hundred million years. It existed long before the existence of man on this planet and will exist long after man has ceased to exist. The effect however, of man's activities on this climate change is negligible. It always was and it always will be. This does not mean that Canadians, along with all other human inhabitants of this planet should not practice the common sense of restraint and good husbandry in how we use the planet's resources and attempt to keep our air and water clean as well as protect as much natural habitat as possible; however, that is the limit of it. Willingly submitting to draconian policies such as imposed, economy destroying, carbon taxes is absurd. It is absurd because it is based on the misshapen, cultish belief , that our activity is having a seriously discernible effect on the changing climate. This cultish Eco-delusional obsession over a natural phenomenon, has become at best as substitute for real religion such as Christianity and Judaism, and at worst a scam by bad political actors (like the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Ontario) to defraud Canadians out of billions of dollars worth of their hard earned money.