Thursday, 29 December 2016

Judas-Barack Hussein Obama. joins a pantheon of epic traitors, from Benedict Arnold to Judas Iscariot, by betraying a friend and ally, the noble state of Israel, to the ravening wolves of the U.N.. His shame will live on in infamy.

Judas-Barack Hussein Obama, is a name that will live on in infamy. Judas-Barack, is to the 21st century what Benedict Arnold was to the 18th century and Judas Iscariot was to the 1st century, an epic traitor of damning proportions. Judas-Barack Hussein Obama, true to his name and his ethnic and religious antecedents, betrayed a true friend and staunch ally of America, by an unprecedented abstention, on an Obama administration orchestrated, anti-Israel U.N. resolution, effectively allowing it to pass and become international law. This betrayal has happened under no other U.S. Administration which have, Republican or Democrat, ALWAYS vetoed any anti-Israel U.N. resolution ever put forward. The U.S. has previously ALWAYS defended their friend and ally Israel; but, then again, this is the first time America has ever had a non-citizen and a Muhammadan in the Oval Office, living vigorously up to the Islamic code of non-morality, non-integrity and non-reliability, Taqiyya. As in any other endeavor in life, then so with the now seriously diminished U.S. Presidency, you get what you pay for and you will be known by the company you keep.