Saturday, 11 August 2012

Romney/Ryan Dynamic-Capitalism ticket clear choice from insipid Obama socialism

This the bold choice that the Romney camp had to make to put a gust of wind in the main sail of a campaign, which, even many on the Right believed, is stuck in the doldrums. No doubt Republican governor Scott Walker's win of his recall vote in Wisconsin recently factored into the decision to go with Republican congressman Paul Ryan as VP because this is Ryan's home state and thus picking Ryan as VP would help the GOP take Wisconsin in the November general election. That however, is only a small part of the reason. This election, is by far the most important general election to be held in the U.S. at least going back to the year that Reagan knocked a floundering and grossly incompetent Jimmy Carter out of the presidency. That important election placed a man in the White House who had the firmness and resolution of vision to define the Soviet Union as an "Evil Empire" and who, in conjunction with British Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and then Pope, John Paul 11, provided the international inspiration and commitment to bring down the Soviet Union. This coming election is no less important. By selecting conservative budget whiz, fiscal hawk and capitalism apologist, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney is drawing a clear and unavoidable line in the sand which is the stark choice for capitalism, that brilliant system which has long been responsible for making America the richest, most democratic and powerful country in the history of humanity; or sadly, continuing with four more years with that far Left Saul Alinsky radical, Obama, and thus send the U.S. over the fiscal cliff along with Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Ireland. The pro-Islamist, pro-socialist Obama has either never understood the great country that the American people so fatally elected him to lead or he understands it too well and seeks to alter it beyond recognition it by his deceitful methods for his own shameful agenda. This sordid little man must be strongly pushed from the Presidency in this election because the continuing existence of America is dependent upon it and so is the continuing existence of the free world. The Romney/Ryan ticket is the push and the inspiration that the Americans need to get it right this time around.

1 comment:

  1. We can only pray that the Romney/Ryan ticket prevails in November. Neither the U.S. nor the free world can survive another four years of that Manchurian Candidate Obama.
