Saturday, 28 September 2013

Al-Shabab who attacked the West Gate mall in Nairobi, Kenya is evil incarnate operating in the name of a 1400 year old rationalization for evil, Islam.

One day most people will understand what some of us have known for some time. Islam is not a religion as most of us understand religion. Islam is clearly a totalitarian ideology masking itself as a religion. Indeed, there are many now who believe that Islam is the prototype upon which Marx created communism and Hitler created Nazism. The only real functional difference between these two totalitarian monstrosities and Islam is that neither of their creators bothered maintaining the deceit that their ideology was based upon the word of Allah (allegedly God.) Marxism in fact denied God and was the ultimate materialist philosophy based upon the unfolding of materialist forces in the universe and in society which were claimed to be totally independent of God. Nazism on the other hand, was essentially racist in its underpinnings. It was based upon the erroneous assumption of an Aryan master race which was destined to rule the world. Hitler claimed this Aryan master race was in fact the Germanic peoples of the world, blonde and blue-eyed (although he was neither). If there was any religion at all connected with Nazism it was based upon the pagan, pre-Christian gods of German and Norse mythology. He was able for a time to mesmerize a majority of the German population into believing his fantasy, until his prophesied one thousand year Reich collapsed in less than fifteen years. Despite their superficial differences from each other, Islam, Communism, Nazism are functionally almost identical. Anyplace in the world where any one of these three essentially fascists ideologies are in power you find the following similarities. 1. As they are all based upon rather transparent Lies, they are all therefore obligated to maintain police states with secret police and goon squads with which terrorize their populations to keep them under control. 2. There is no real rule of law because their law is arbitrary based upon the whims of the tyrant in charge. One can be charged with an offence on a whim and jailed indefinitely or killed without any hope of legal recourse. 3. There are no enforced codes of human rights because there is no respect for humans who are regarded a mere chattel whose total existence is merely to support the state or the whims of the tyrants. Minority rights do not exist at all and majority rights are still dependent on the whim of the tyrant in charge. 4. Whatever property rights one has are at best ephemeral because they can be negated at the whim of the tyrant. 5. States run by these very similar ideologies generally maintain large standing armies with a very well supplied military which they use at will to intimidate and conquer their weaker neighbours in total disregard for international law. These states all subscribe to the Darwinian contention of 'Survival of the Fittest' to which necessarily follows in their minds that 'Might makes Right.' 6. They are all tyrannies without democracy and without the hope of democracy. Al-Shabab and Al Qaeda and scores of other Islamic extremist groups serve as the avant-garde or cutting edge of Islam and the Islamic ambition to establish a worldwide caliphate (Islamic empire), They are all evil and were always intended to be evil as was the case of the totalitarian ideology from which they take succor and from which they seek excuse and/or rationalization for their evil actions, Islam. Islam, is not like other religions. All other religions, whatever their differences are about God, Islam is about Satan. Allah is not God and never was God. Allah is Satan.

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