Monday, 23 February 2015

Is Sally Kohn, the gay, moral and gender relativist, threatening the mental and gender stability of her young daughter, who sadly, has been entrusted to her care?

A recent article in the 'Daily Caller' states that Sally Kohn, a gay woman raising a daughter whom she hopes will also turn out gay, is a CNN contributor, an uber liberal network I rarely, if ever watch. She is also a Fox News contributor, on which I have seen her many times, particularly on panel discussion on 'Hannity'. I have always wondered what this 'smarmy', self-important woman, with her fixed, condescending, superior-to-thou, smirk, her cold eyes and her hard Left opinions on most issues, was doing on the conservative FNN; but, no doubt it was FNN striving to be "fair, balanced and unafraid". I had always suspected, in disinterested and casual observation, that she, with her 'boyish' and 'butch' short tousled hair cut and her uber liberalism and feminism was 'gay'; but, I was really not interested enough to care or find out. Today's article provided me with far more information about her than I cared to know. It is sad that a woman with her jaded, morally relativistic, opinions about sexuality and gender identity is legally allowed to raise a daughter who she hopes will 'also turn out gay'. In another time and place, which was less morally relative and confused, her attitudes to child rearing would be considered child abuse and dealt with accordingly.

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