Saturday, 11 February 2017

Richard Gere humiliates himself while trying to denigrate President Donald Trump

Richard Gere, like so many of the intellectual lightweights of Hollywood he identifies with and whose talking points he mouths as if by rote, is a disappointment. Like his colleagues in 'La La Land' he reminds us how great is the gulf between his movie persona and the banality of his actual existence. The nobs of Hollywood who control the production and distribution side of the movie industry should remind the 'creative' flotsam and jetsam who act out their little dramas and comedies, that they should simply put up on camera and then shut up. They should remind their minions that whenever they presume to regurgitate their predictable and childlike opinions about the political leaders of the day, they inevitably turn off half the U.S. electorate and the better informed half. A significant drop in box office sales will inevitably result. When will they ever learn? Alfred Hitchcock famously said that "actors are like children". To those who ever once imagined he was being overly critical and harsh in his assessment must realize by now that he was the master of the understatement.

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