Saturday 27 July 2013

Bill Cosby and his Philosophical Inheritors including Bill O'Reilly and Don Lemon

The breakdown of the nuclear family in the Black community in the U.S. and Canada has reached epidemic proportions with all the negative fallout in terms of violence and urban decay this entails. The Black comedian, Bill Cosby, has been speaking on this issue for at least a decade and has taken a lot of flak for his courage and his honesty that the race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the New Black Mangy Jackals do not want to address. This past week political independent and 'white' talk show host, Bill O'Reilly, set a new standard by isolating and condemning precisely the self-destructive behavior that Blacks indulge in which keeps their community impoverished and violent. A 73% birth rate out of wedlock tops this list. Now, liberal Black CNN news anchor Don Lemon demonstrating a considerable amount of personal courage (considering that he works for a mushy, PC, liberal network) is speaking out on the self-destructive behavior of the Black community with some strong recommendations on how to change their behavior. All this honesty and forthrightness is encouraging but I fear good intentions without the backbone of ethical principles necessary to hang your hat on, runs the risk of evaporating up in vapors. The Black community needs to go back to Church and reestablish Christian and family values in the home which even still could take a generation. The journey of a thousand miles, however, begins with the first step. Equally, the White community could help their Black brothers and sisters a great deal by setting an example and re-engaging with their Christian faith as well. A faith informed nuclear family centered upon a married man and woman could go a long way to correcting much of society's ills.

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