Saturday 8 July 2017

The Dhimmi Trudeau government sleazily uses the 'Charter' as an excuse for their treasonous act of rewarding a terrorist.

The so-called 'Charter of Rights and Freedoms' was the excuse the Liberals used for perpetrating this crime against the people, not the reason. The Liberals could have legally fought any compensation to Khadr and likewise refused to apologize to this self-confessed terrorist; but they chose instead to fold like a dirty sheet. Honourable and loyal Governments, NEVER apologize to terrorists for anything! Terrorists do not deserve apologies because they abdicate all rights to protections and consideration after they choose to be terrorists. Trudeau and his shoddy crew of sycophants, pederasts and traitors have stepped in it. Big time! It will be up to all loyal and honourable Canadians to never let the Liberals ever forget this outrage against Canada's military, particularly those who served in Afghanistan many of whom often were wounded or killed by I.E.D.s of the type made by Khadr and the other Al Qaeda assassins. This outrage against the Canadian taxpayer. This injustice to the widow of the American medic who Khadr murdered and the other one whose eye he destroyed. It will also be up to Andrew Scheer and the Conservative Party of Canada - Parti conservateur du Canada to keep this front and centre during question period until and during the election of 2019. The Liberals must never be allowed to bury this disgusting act of treason and they must never be allowed to cause it to happen again.

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