Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Sea Shepherd’s Paul Watson speaks on skipping bail: ‘I eluded them once again’

It has been said of Paul Watson "Paul Watson is not merely an environmental activist defending whales (and other marine animals) Paul Watson is a Whale." Perhaps a tad over dramatic but there is no denying the connectivity this large and defiant man feels for whales particularly. Its as if when a whale dies at the hands of the Japanese poachers that a piece of Paul Watson dies to. I cannot say that I necessarily approve of Watson's methods. I generally loathe environmental activists as well as most other politically motivated activists of the Left.I sense however something unique in Watson, something profoundly iconoclastic and deeply individual which by definition sets him strongly apart from the unwashed collectivist hordes of the Left. I therefore confess a sneaking admiration for him and find myself wishing him well. Go forth brave prince of the sea vagabonds, quixotic defender of the disappearing maidens of the sea. Here is wishing you safe harbor and a dreamless sleep. http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/07/30/paul-watson-sea-shepherd/

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Tarek Fatah cannot understand why the West could better resist Communism and Fascism than Islamism

Tarek Fatah posits the rhetorical question: Why was the West better able to resist Communism and Fascism than they are Islamism? He goes on to say that only the Ultra Right are committed to resisting Islamism but they are manipulated into going about it the wrong way and therefore playing into the hands of the Islamists. I would respond to Tarek's comments as follows Today's Islamists have some distinct advantages that other totalitarian ideoloques didnt have. Communist, Nazis, and Fascist ideology were clearly delineated as the purely political entities that they are without much ambiguity whereas Islam/Islamism has been able to creep under the radar for the following reasons. 1. The Islamists have conned many in the West into thinking that Islam is a Religion of Peace, although 1400 years of aggression and two caliphates (Muslim empires) and a third in the making tell a much different story. 2. The Islamists have conned many in the West into accepting that Islam is first and foremost a religion, whereas the facts on the ground tell a different story. Islam, is and has always been first and foremost a totalitarian ideology and a rationalization for invasion and dominance; whereas, spirituality, as Jewish people, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists etc. understand spirituality, is almost incidental to Islam, a mere afterthought. 3. As the West has been conned into accepting Islam as a major religion, they feel obligated according to their own rules of law and codes of human rights, to bend over backwards to appease what is in essence a totalitarian system which is designed to undermine and subsequently dominate all other systems of thought which will invariably include western secular democracies; and, replace them with that pseudo-theological based system of law and government called the Sharia, with the ultimate goal being a third and global caliphate. 4. As the West is currently still beholden to Arab dictatorships for energy they have been lax about controlling the proliferation of Saudi funding throughout North and South America and Western Europe for the building of Wahhabi mosques and university endowments which is spreading Wahhabi/Muslim Brotherhood extremist ideology throughout the Western society at all levels. The current Iranian regime have also invested significantly in the spread of an extreme Shiite version of Islam in the West as well. 5. Finally , as the Wahabbis, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Irainian Shiites are much better heeled financially than the Soviets ever were they can afford to buy off U.S., Canadian and European politicians who otherwise might resist their infiltration of Western governments and educational institutions. As to Tarek's contention that it is the committed Ultra Right who are unwittingly responsible for Islamist infiltration of Western governments and educational institutions because of their being manipulated by the Islamists, I can only respond, that his claim is pure, 100%, Saudi camel dung. The truth of the matter is, putting the 1400 year old tradition, practice and influence of Islamist Taqiyya (rationalized deceit) aside, it is rather the Ultra-Lites, a.k.a. the Western liberals who have allowed the abomination of Islamist infiltration to come about in the name of multiculturalism and political correctness. Curious enough he has said as much himself on many occasions in his never ending condemnation of White liberals for their gullibility and/or cowardice in facing up to the truth of the global Islamist threat. So, make up your mind Tarek, is it the Ultra Right or the Ultra Lites who should be blamed for Islamist infiltration? http://www.facebook.com/tarekfatah/posts/10151933268760012

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Target Guns or Criminals?

Targeting criminals is the only way to control crime. Targeting guns is a mugs game because I never met a gun who was a criminal or had the intention to commit a crime. Anybody who would target a gun over a criminal would work for the CBC, the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star or if truly desperate, the NDP. Nuff said on that point. Criminals commit crimes and thus must be controlled and should be given mandatory minimum sentencing for all gun crimes, a.k.a. zero tolerance for gun crimes. Any judge caught contravening mandatory minimum sentencing for gun crimes should face prison time themselves. Stop the nonsense! http://www.facebook.com/sunnewsnetwork/posts/429185643800045?comment_id=95672996&offset=0&total_comments=44

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Beating up on Bachmann by Tarek Fatah

Tarek Fatah concludes, "As far as Abedin is concerned, she is a bright woman and a role model for Muslim Americans, especially young women who have not succumbed to the pressures of wearing the hijab. But she owes it to America to tell it whether she shares her parents’ ideological affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood or not."_____ It is well established that the stealth tactics of the Muslim Brotherhood accept deceit (otherwise known as Taqiyya) in the name of perpetuating the Muslim cause; therefore the fact that this woman does not wear the hijab does not necessarily imply she is not infected with the Islamist virus. On the otherhand the blatant hijabi, Dalia Mogahed, a well known Islamist, has been a consultant for the White House on Islamic affairs since the beginning of the Obama administration nearly four years ago, so deceit of this nature is probably not necessary with the overly Muslim sympathetic Obama. In the final analysis one should not discount the fact that Obama acts the way he does towards the Islamic world and Islamists because of his own beliefs and agenda. His suspect actions such as bowing to the Saudi King and having Islamists as consultants in the White House may very well be a reflection of his own sympathies and not necessarily due to the influence of the those infected with the Islamist virus. http://www.torontosun.com/2012/07/24/beating-up-on-bachmann?utm_source=addThis&utm_medium=addthis_button_more&utm_campaign=Beating+up+on+Bachmann+%7C+Home+%7C+Toronto+Sun

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Jason Kenney blasted for linking Toronto gun violence to 'foreign gangsters'

Neither Mayor Ford nor Immigration Minister Jason Kenney alleged directly nor indirectly that 'foreigners' were responsible for the Danzig gang massacre of innocents in Scarborough. Mayor Ford says he wants 'all' criminals, regardless of their country of origin out of Toronto if they are convicted of gun crimes. Jason Kenney is introducing new legislation to fast track the deportation of violent foreign criminals out of Canada after conviction and end the endless appeals for non-citizens which currently go on for years and at the taxpayer's expense and which only serve to line the wallets of sleazy immigration lawyers. At NO time did Minister Kenney ever say or imply that the Danzig shooting was done by foreigners. These fallacious allegations against both Ford and Kenney are made by the usual suspects in the Liberal Party, MP McKay, and Bob Rae as well as the far Left loons in the NDP, who nobody takes seriously. Ford and Kenney deserve an immediate apology. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/politics/jason+Kenney+blasted+linking+Toronto+violence+foreign/6972096/story.html

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Scarborough shooting kills two, injures 19, including an infant

After the smoke has cleared away and the shots have been traced we will soon be confronted with the overwhelming evidence that none of the shots fired came from 'legally' registered firearms, neither hand guns nor long guns, unless in the rare instance where those legally registered firearms have been stolen by criminals. The killers will not be those that the sordid Left usually refers to as "gun nuts" a.k.a., hunters, target shooters and collectors who have legally registered guns. The killers will be criminals from the Black community who have killed other members of the Black community with illegal firearms. Yet still the sordid Left will cry out against the "gun nuts" refusing to admit that it is habitual criminals who have done the shootings and who always do the shootings. The sordid Left do not have sufficient grey matter to grasp the reality that criminals do not register firearms. Never have and never will. The real killer in the Black community, aside from their enablers on the sordid Left, is the multi-generational reality of absentee fathers and single-mothers with often large broods of children fathered by different men and living on welfare because they have no other viable means of support. The unattended male children in such broods hit the streets in their early teens and get involved with street gangs. Soon they too are thoughtlessly impregnating young women for their amusement and 'street cred' but rarely contributing monetarily or with time and effort to the raising of their children. These young men are too busy running drugs, pimping, involved in extortion, burglary, bank robbery etc. and soon most have a rap sheet as long as your arm and if they are not killed spend much of their lives in prison. Thus the multi-generational tragedy of absentee fathers, unattended young men from single-mother families and teenage street gangs, continues to repeat itself, randomly culminating in the slaughter we are witnessing tonight. http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/07/16/shooting-leaves-as-many-as-ten-wounded-in-scarborough/#Comments

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Quebec Muslim activist becomes first woman charged under 9/11 terror laws

The continuing joys of Muslim immigration. Does it not just warm the cockles of your heart? http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/07/13/quebec-woman-who-fought-against-muslim-stereotypes-charged-with-terrorism-in-alleged-hezbollah-weapons-smuggling-plot/

Monday, 9 July 2012

Newfoundland NDP surges to first place in polls in historic shift

One wonders if the people who seriously applaud an imminent N.D.P. government have ever read a newspaper, periodical, magazine etc. outside the Marxist/Leninist Times. Do these presumptive illiterates ever watch a newscast or have even the foggiest idea about the continuing collapse of an EU which is heavily based on socialist, entitlement principles? Are they aware of recent political history such as the collapse of the Soviet Union which was a failed socialist state. Were they aware that China, now an economic powerhouse, was, until the advent of Deng Xiaoping, facing complete economic collapse and mass starvation under a socialist economic regime and it was not until he got rid of the old socialist economic order (that he had helped build) and introduced capitalistic reforms that the country started growing economically with leaps and bounds? Are they also unaware that Viet Nam, once the communist based nemesis of the U.S. could not adequately feed their starving populations until they normalized relations with the U.S., opened up their borders to international trade and made significant capitalist reforms. Are the would be N.D.P. supporters in Canada aware that the populations in the socialist paradise of North Korea are several inches shorter than their capitalist South Korean counterparts, simply because many of them have been reduced to living on grass? Finally, are these presumptive illiterates who would support the N.D.P. even aware of what the N.D.P. stands for? Do they not know that Mulcair and his bone-headed colleagues are also socialists and many "New World Order" internationalists by definition? Do these presumptive illiterates not know that the definition of insanity is: "To persist with the same old tried and failed behavior while expecting a different result." Socialism is a non-sustainable boondoggle folks and so equally is Mulcair and the N.D.P. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/newfoundland-ndp-surges-to-first-place-in-polls-in-historic-shift/article4399101/?1

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Are Alberta Premier Alison Redford’s sights on prime minister’s chair?

Alison Redford is a U.N. plant and a "New World Order" internationalist. In Alberta under Redford being PC means being politically correct not Progressive Conservative. If this duplicitous woman ever became Prime Minister she would undermine Canada's sovereignty by signing U.N. treaties designed to do so. If she had been the Canadian PM at the recent G-20 Summit she would have committed Canada to bailing out the Eurozone which Prime Minister Harper had the good sense and vision to reject. This woman is TOXIC. You would think this would be self evident and yet the Albertans, a group of Canadians I use to admire a great deal for their individualism and conservatism were blind enough to give this TOXIC woman a majority mandate. If the Albertans, arguably the best of Canadians, can be so easily fooled what hope is there for Canadians in the rest of Canada to demonstrate any common sense? http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/07/08/are-alberta-premier-alison-redfords-sights-on-prime-ministers-chair/

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Rabbi Boteach (attempts) to school Michael Coren

I watched the Coren/Boteach interview on Sun News Network in its entirety as well as the follow up of the interview on SNN the next day. It is clear to me that our good Rabbi was spoiling for a fight from the outset and was looking for the first comment from Coren he could find to twist to his advantage and Coren soon provided him with one by citing the Jewish influence in Hollywood as an example of Left-wing Jews promulgating negative stereotypes about Christians as ignorant country bumpkins and anti-Semites. Boteach, without taking a breath, quickly twisted Coren’s example into Coren implying that the Jews controlled Hollywood as well as media, banks etc., none of which Coren said or even implied. The interview quickly degenerated into a shouting match from there. Clearly Boteach knew very little if anything about Coren’s background either personally or professionally. Coren himself is half Jewish on his father’s side going back several generations and he has always proudly talked about his Jewish inheritance. Coren never converted to Roman Catholicism until 1985. Professionally Coren has been a stout and consistent defender of Israel and the Jewish community in both Israel and Canada. If our good Rabbi had even done the most superficial of investigation into Coren before the interview he never would have stuck a major foot in his mouth as he clearly did by accusing Coren of anti-Semitism. Everyone, but the most bigoted Roman Catholic hater or hater of Coren, knows that our good Rabbi Boteach owes Coren a major public apology. http://backofthebook.ca/2012/02/23/rabbi-boteach-schools-michael-coren/6045/

Michael Coren writes: "Your a viper in our midst" in reference to further incitement to terror in the UK by a British Muslim since the attack of Anders Breivik in Norway

Ah yes, the continuing Joy of Islam. All the kerfuffle about the growing threat of far right extremists but for some curious reason the only two names that readily come to mind are Timothy McVeigh and now Anders Breivik. On the other hand the number of well documented Islamic terror attacks or planned attacks, worldwide, since 9/11 number in the tens of thousands. The recent Norwegian terror attack by Breivik was unfathomable and unforgivable by any standard of human decency but in practical terms this recent attack finally only serves to provide the exception that proves the rule. The rule being that Islamic extremists have an overwhelming monopoly on terror and no doubt this will continue into the foreseeable future. http://blogs.canoe.ca/corenscomment/consider-this/another-non-norwegian-in-trouble/

Salim Mansur writes: Empty church discloses a harsh reality

Let me state from the outset that I am a great admirer of Salim Mansur and what he stands for in the Muslim community. He is a moderate if not secular Muslim, who along with his friend Tarek Fatah and other moderates of their ilk, struggles against the pervasive and toxic effect of the Islamists (Islamo-Fascists) on the Muslim community. It is therefore with some trepidation and misgiving that I feel myself obligated to qualify if not take issue with some aspects of Professor Mansur's article above. Mr. Mansur writes" There is among Muslims no public discussion about Jesus; nor do Muslims display reverence or understanding about Jesus and his place in history, yet they readily indulge in anti-Christian polemics. As a result, Muslims have emptied Islam of that aspect of humanity nearest and dearest to God symbolized by Jesus in the Qur’an." It is true that Jesus, or Isa as He is referred to in the Qur'an, at one time was a respected part of the Qur'ranic tradition; but, with a major caveat., in that Jesus is only regarded as a prophet by Muslims, secondary to Mohammed who Muslims regard as the final and greatest prophet.. The Qur'an claims furthermore the Jesus never died on the cross and therefore was never resurrected. Muslims deny, by implication at least, that Jesus was ever the intended Christ, ever the Savior, ever the Lamb of God and that there was no 'Death', no 'Resurrection" and therefore no 'Divinity' ; thus, in effect, belying the central tenets of the faith of Christianity. I must therefore qualify Mr. Mansur 's wish that modern Muslims pay more respect to Jesus, with my contention that even in the best case scenario where Muslims might show some respect to Jesus, that they still get it grossly wrong. Only a Muslim or other non-Christian, like Mr. Mansur, even with the best of intentions, who implicitly denies the divinity of Jesus by referring to Him as simply Jesus, demeans Christianity. For Christians, on the otherhand, Jesus is the Christ. His full accreditation which only Christians will acknowledge, is Jesus Christ, Son of God, the Alpha and the Omega and the Light of the World. Anything less than this acknowledgment is an insult to God and a demeaning of Christianity and Christians everywhere. http://www.torontosun.com/2012/07/06/empty-church-discloses-a-harsh-reality?utm_source=addThis&utm_medium=addthis_button_facebook&utm_campaign=Empty+church+discloses+a+harsh+reality+|+Columnists+|+Opinion+|+Toronto+Sun#.T_hgxtQuRo8.facebook

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Syria is heading for a seat on UN Human Rights Council

The world's serious players with regards to human rights, such as Canada, the United States, Israel, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand and most members of the EU, should immediately end their funding to the current United Nations, and start a new and serious organization dedicated to human rights and conflict resolution. For major players, like Russia and China who would not be suitable for membership in this new organization we would deal with our differences through diplomatic channels. Enough of this nonsense of having third world troglodytes, who do not have the intellectual capacity to even understand the meaning of human rights let alone implementing and practicing them, while dictating to the serious world about human rights. The UN is a bad joke. http://fullcomment.nationalpost.com/2012/07/05/hillel-neuer-syria-is-heading-for-a-seat-on-un-human-rights-council/