Monday, 9 July 2012

Newfoundland NDP surges to first place in polls in historic shift

One wonders if the people who seriously applaud an imminent N.D.P. government have ever read a newspaper, periodical, magazine etc. outside the Marxist/Leninist Times. Do these presumptive illiterates ever watch a newscast or have even the foggiest idea about the continuing collapse of an EU which is heavily based on socialist, entitlement principles? Are they aware of recent political history such as the collapse of the Soviet Union which was a failed socialist state. Were they aware that China, now an economic powerhouse, was, until the advent of Deng Xiaoping, facing complete economic collapse and mass starvation under a socialist economic regime and it was not until he got rid of the old socialist economic order (that he had helped build) and introduced capitalistic reforms that the country started growing economically with leaps and bounds? Are they also unaware that Viet Nam, once the communist based nemesis of the U.S. could not adequately feed their starving populations until they normalized relations with the U.S., opened up their borders to international trade and made significant capitalist reforms. Are the would be N.D.P. supporters in Canada aware that the populations in the socialist paradise of North Korea are several inches shorter than their capitalist South Korean counterparts, simply because many of them have been reduced to living on grass? Finally, are these presumptive illiterates who would support the N.D.P. even aware of what the N.D.P. stands for? Do they not know that Mulcair and his bone-headed colleagues are also socialists and many "New World Order" internationalists by definition? Do these presumptive illiterates not know that the definition of insanity is: "To persist with the same old tried and failed behavior while expecting a different result." Socialism is a non-sustainable boondoggle folks and so equally is Mulcair and the N.D.P.

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