Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Scarborough shooting kills two, injures 19, including an infant

After the smoke has cleared away and the shots have been traced we will soon be confronted with the overwhelming evidence that none of the shots fired came from 'legally' registered firearms, neither hand guns nor long guns, unless in the rare instance where those legally registered firearms have been stolen by criminals. The killers will not be those that the sordid Left usually refers to as "gun nuts" a.k.a., hunters, target shooters and collectors who have legally registered guns. The killers will be criminals from the Black community who have killed other members of the Black community with illegal firearms. Yet still the sordid Left will cry out against the "gun nuts" refusing to admit that it is habitual criminals who have done the shootings and who always do the shootings. The sordid Left do not have sufficient grey matter to grasp the reality that criminals do not register firearms. Never have and never will. The real killer in the Black community, aside from their enablers on the sordid Left, is the multi-generational reality of absentee fathers and single-mothers with often large broods of children fathered by different men and living on welfare because they have no other viable means of support. The unattended male children in such broods hit the streets in their early teens and get involved with street gangs. Soon they too are thoughtlessly impregnating young women for their amusement and 'street cred' but rarely contributing monetarily or with time and effort to the raising of their children. These young men are too busy running drugs, pimping, involved in extortion, burglary, bank robbery etc. and soon most have a rap sheet as long as your arm and if they are not killed spend much of their lives in prison. Thus the multi-generational tragedy of absentee fathers, unattended young men from single-mother families and teenage street gangs, continues to repeat itself, randomly culminating in the slaughter we are witnessing tonight. http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/07/16/shooting-leaves-as-many-as-ten-wounded-in-scarborough/#Comments

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