Wednesday, 31 October 2012

"Justin Trudeau: Teeny-Bopper Idol in Power"

It is not a question of not taking the Shiny Pony seriously in his ability to win election. We learned from his dad during 1968's 'Trudeaumania' and the sainted Obama's landslide win in 2008 that the fundamentally unqualified can achieve election on a wave of mass hysteria. History keeps proving it can and will be done. We know it can be done but that does not mean it should be done. We keep learning time after time that 'if something appears too good to be true it probably is' and yet we keep falling for these Flim Flam men, time after time. The former Austrian corporal, Adolph Hitler, achieved power electorally and held onto power by mesmerizing the German people long enough to lead Germany to utter defeat and complete collapse. Pierre Eliot Trudeau and his fetid ambitions for a 'Just Society' duplicitously transformed Canada from a highly successful, respected and cohesive nation during its Confederation celebrations in 1967 into a multicultural morass starting with his landslide win in 1968, which is almost unrecognizable as the fine country it was up to and including 1967. Since his victory in 2008 the former community organizer, the sainted Obama, has systematically unraveled the U.S. economy and has thoroughly undermined U.S. respect and credibility on the international stage thus threatening U.S. and by extension the world's security. Now the 'teeny-bopper' mentality wants to see the intellectual light-weight Justin Trudeau elected leader of the Liberal party and eventually Prime Minister of Canada. His father was a fiscal and immigration disaster for Canada and Justin has been blessed with approximately 1/3 the intelligence of his father and still the 'teeny-boppers' want to see him elected. Do they not know that before entering politics Justin Trudeau was a substitute drama teacher? Do they imagine that this qualifies him to be Prime Minister? God help us. A few years before his death the great Canadian writer Mordecai Richler published his take on Canada and its relationship with Quebec with his book "Oh Canada, Oh Quebec" lamenting the tragic/comedic relationship of those two political entities. If the late and lamented Mr. Richler were alive today one wonders what he would choose to entitle a book about the Justin Trudeau phenomenon as a potential Prime Minister ? The possibilities are endlessly humorous and ironic but none of them would bode well for the future of Canada.

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