Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Idle No More is merely a marionette of The Rising Tide organization

I agree that the Indian Act must be revisited and furthermore that our native people should be treated precisely like everyone else, no better and no worse. That being said it must also be stated that the "Idle No More" and its clandestine backers are largely smoke and mirrors. The "Idle No More' movement is (which should be called ‘Idle Once Again' movement) is only the latest manifestation operating under an international Marxist umbrella group entitled ‘The Rising Tide’. Former variations of the ‘Idle No More’ movement were the far Left ‘Anti-Poverty Coalition' and later the 'Occupy' movement. These so-called ‘independent’ grass roots movements are neither more independent nor grass roots than any well funded labour union local operating under such labour giants as the CAW or the AAW. Well intended Canadians must come to terms with the fact that there is a sub-class in our culture, populated by communists; anarchists and the entitlement obsessed chronically unemployed and backed by big labour; radical environmentalists advancing international Marxism; promoters of internationalism out of the UN; and Iranian and Saudi money, who collectively and singularly are sworn to the destabilization of Canada's economy and ultimately the undermining of Canada's sovereignty. Do not be fooled by a few feathers, peace pipes and smoke lodges which are only window dressing, the people behind this movement are the far Left internationalists and they must be exposed and thoroughly discredited at all costs. http://www.risingtidenorthamerica.org http://news.nationalpost.com/2013/01/15/ditch-the-indian-act-and-give-first-nations-more-control-over-their-land-taxpayers-federation/

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