Saturday, 28 September 2013
Al-Shabab who attacked the West Gate mall in Nairobi, Kenya is evil incarnate operating in the name of a 1400 year old rationalization for evil, Islam.
One day most people will understand what some of us have known for some time.
Islam is not a religion as most of us understand religion. Islam is clearly a totalitarian ideology masking itself as a religion. Indeed, there are many now who believe that Islam is the prototype upon which Marx created communism and Hitler created Nazism.
The only real functional difference between these two totalitarian monstrosities and Islam is that neither of their creators bothered maintaining the deceit that their ideology was based upon the word of Allah (allegedly God.)
Marxism in fact denied God and was the ultimate materialist philosophy based upon the unfolding of materialist forces in the universe and in society which were claimed to be totally independent of God.
Nazism on the other hand, was essentially racist in its underpinnings. It was based upon the erroneous assumption of an Aryan master race which was destined to rule the world. Hitler claimed this Aryan master race was in fact the Germanic peoples of the world, blonde and blue-eyed (although he was neither). If there was any religion at all connected with Nazism it was based upon the pagan, pre-Christian gods of German and Norse mythology. He was able for a time to mesmerize a majority of the German population into believing his fantasy, until his prophesied one thousand year Reich collapsed in less than fifteen years.
Despite their superficial differences from each other, Islam, Communism, Nazism are functionally almost identical.
Anyplace in the world where any one of these three essentially fascists ideologies are in power you find the following similarities.
1. As they are all based upon rather transparent Lies, they are all therefore obligated to maintain police states with secret police and goon squads with which terrorize their populations to keep them under control.
2. There is no real rule of law because their law is arbitrary based upon the whims of the tyrant in charge. One can be charged with an offence on a whim and jailed indefinitely or killed without any hope of legal recourse.
3. There are no enforced codes of human rights because there is no respect for humans who are regarded a mere chattel whose total existence is merely to support the state or the whims of the tyrants. Minority rights do not exist at all and majority rights are still dependent on the whim of the tyrant in charge.
4. Whatever property rights one has are at best ephemeral because they can be negated at the whim of the tyrant.
5. States run by these very similar ideologies generally maintain large standing armies with a very well supplied military which they use at will to intimidate and conquer their weaker neighbours in total disregard for international law. These states all subscribe to the Darwinian contention of 'Survival of the Fittest' to which necessarily follows in their minds that 'Might makes Right.'
6. They are all tyrannies without democracy and without the hope of democracy.
Al-Shabab and Al Qaeda and scores of other Islamic extremist groups serve as the avant-garde or cutting edge of Islam and the Islamic ambition to establish a worldwide caliphate (Islamic empire),
They are all evil and were always intended to be evil as was the case of the totalitarian ideology from which they take succor and from which they seek excuse and/or rationalization for their evil actions, Islam.
Islam, is not like other religions. All other religions, whatever their differences are about God, Islam is about Satan.
Allah is not God and never was God. Allah is Satan.
Saturday, 31 August 2013
The pro-Muslim Brotherhood Obama s not an honest broker when it comes to a Military intervention in the Syrian conflict.
This post was written in response to Andrew Coyne's recent article for the National Post supporting some kind of intervention by the Obama led U.S. which I took issue with. Mr. Coyne's arguement is a valid one and one made with human compassion which is a great credit to him. The only flaw in his reasoning as far as I can see is that it is still not at all clear, despite Secretary of State John Kerry's assurances, that it was the Bashir Assad regime who were responsible for the use of chemical weapons. It just as easily could have been the rebels in a set-up to garner the sympathies of the West for their cause. Would the rebels slaughter their own people to garner support from the West? You bet they would!
Consider who the rebels are. They are Sunni Muslims who are comprised of many elements of Al Qaeda, and more importantly, the granddaddy of all terrorist groups and the organization best equipped to benefit from the fall of Assad, the Muslim Brotherhood. We know from the Muslim Brotherhood's slaughter of Christians and non-compliant Muslims in Egypt what barbarism they are capable of.
Assad, on the other hand is an Alawite Muslim which is a sub-sect of the Shiite Muslims which run Iran and also support Assad. Assad is also primarily secular in his governance and is much more supportive of religious minorities, particularly Christians, than the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood would ever be were they to take control of Syria. Furthermore, with the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood in charge in Syria all bets are off as to whether they would keep the peace with Israel.
Assad, admittedly, is a brutal dictator make no mistake about that; but, up to the rebellion started by the Sunni extremists two years ago, he was a stable dictator who more or less treated his minorities with equanimity. Should the Muslim Brotherhood controlled rebels ever take over however, Assad’s regime may turn out to have been a walk in the park by comparison.
The plot thickens however when you consider Obama's motives for attacking Assad. Obama’s past record suggests he is pro- Sunni Muslim Brotherhood. He himself was also the son of a Sunni Muslim father and he attended a Sunni Muslim mosque in Indonesia as a young child and was brought up during this period to be a Sunni Muslim. Later, in America he attended an allegedly Christian church which was run by a Minister, Reverend Wright, who taught liberation theology, which is as much Marxist as it is Christian. So I am not claiming that Obama is a secret Sunni Muslim now but clearly his attachment to Christianity is tentative at best and that given his early upbringing he has clear memories of and sympathies to Sunni Islam.
Consider also that since the beginning of his administration in 2008 that Obama has routinely consulted with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House via the auspices of their North American front group, ISNA.
On ISNA's recommendation he had removed the words, Islam, Islamic, Islamist, Muslim, Mohammedan etc. from all National Security documents pertaining to acts of terror or planned acts of terror. Since 2008, terrorism, if it is called terrorism at all, has become generic with no religious affiliation. A clear example of this bias at work was after Major Nidal Hassan (the Fort Hood shooter) was arrested for gunning down many of his military colleagues while shouting "Allahu Akbar", and he was not charged with Islamic terrorism or even terrorism but merely 'workplace violence".
Another example of Obama's Sunni Islam, pro-Muslim Brotherhood bias has been his support for Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. During the so-called Arab Spring crisis in Egypt, while Egypt was still controlled by the pro-US, pro-Western military dictator, Hosni Mubarak, who also honored the peace treaty with Israel, Obama, threw Mubarak under the bus despite the advice to the contrary from many security experts and supported the revolution.
Who took over after an alleged 'free' election after Mubarak was removed from office, but the well-organized Muslim Brotherhood under Mohammed Morsi? The Sunni Muslim extremist Morsi , as soon as he assumed power, did what the Muslim Brotherhood has always promised to do, he re-wrote the Egyptian constitution and attempted to fully implement the abomination which is Sharia law upon the entire population.
Also, under the Sunni Islamic extremist Morsi, the persecution of the Coptic Christian minority in Egypt went up exponentially. When the more moderate Egyptians, secularists and would be democracy advocates protested nationally for weeks against Morsi and his Sunni Muslim extremism, Obama spoke out in support of the ‘democratically’ elected Morsi regime. Then when the military invoked the will of the moderates, arrested Morsi and threw the Muslim Brotherhood out of office and installed a much more moderate interim leader, Obama still came out in support of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood and threatened again to cut off aid to Egypt, despite the glaring fact that the new leadership was much more pro-Western than Morsi was.
Consider also Obama’s hostile relationship to Shiite Iran but friendly relationship to Sunni Saudi Arabia. Keep in mind that it is Saudi Arabia that funds the Wahhabi controlled mosques throughout America, Canada and Western Europe. The particularly virulent form of Islam, Wahabism, which is preached by fanatical imams in these mosques is hostile to the American constitution, the American way of life, Christianity, Judaism and secularism. These extremists (stealth jihadists) are working covertly and sometimes overtly around the clock to change America (and the other Western democracies) and to implement the abomination which is Sharia law. They have also penetrated most American universities and the public school system attempting to promote their supremacist agenda. The Obama administration however continues to look the other way while the slow and steady Muslim Brotherhood takeover of America continues. So, in conclusion, when you consider the imminent attack against the Alawite (Shiite) Assad regime in Syria, in favor of the Sunni Muslim rebels, do you really think that Obama is an honest broker?
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Innocent Tourist Amr Kassem just another Goat-Bearded Jihadi.
Yes, yes, the same old politically correct stories are printed by the mainstream media, time and again, to sell us on the myth that our Muslim brethren are just like us. Just loyal Americans or Canadians who are victimized by circumstances. How sad, how touching.
Recently, the taxpayer funded C.B.C. (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) served us up their usual dish of pablum and informed us that Amr Kassem, a Canadian permanent resident, who lived in Toronto but was visiting relatives in Egypt when he, uh, 'spontaneouly' decided to join the protests in Alexandria and was allegedly shot by government snipers in the back of the head and killed.
This article was accompanied with nice family photos of Amr with his Hijab covered wife and infant daughter standing and smiling against the backdrop of a Toronto beach on a beautiful sunny day. Fade to reality.
Upon further investigation by blogger Jonathan Halevi and the Toronto Sun it turns out that this 'innocent' family man killed while on vacation in Egypt was nothing of the kind.
It turns out that: "Amr Kassem’s Facebook page reveals his radical Islamic political views. Kassem expressed opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood and sided with the even more extremist Islamic Salafi movement. On August 15, a day before he was killed and while in Alexandria Egypt, Kassem changed his Facebook profile picture to the flag of the jihad. In his postings he showed support for the violent protests against the military regime and in one case favored setting fire to the Media Production City building after demonstrating in front of it."
"In his answers to Internet surveys Kassem wholeheartedly endorsed the Salafi movement, espoused the implementation of Sharia law and the establishment of the Caliphate and sympathized with Qaeda’s founder Osama Bin Laden, whom he called “Mujahid” (jihad fighter)."
So much for the moderate and loyal Toronto family man.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Barbara Kay: My response to her article " How a critic of Islam ended up in the check-out aisle"
Hah! Who in their right mind or who still capable of personal integrity still takes Islam seriously as anything but totalitarian death cult with the destruction of civilization and ultimately humanity as its goal?
One wonders who is paying for the politically correct pro-Islamic agenda based on Orwellian doublespeak and contrarian truths? Presumably either the Saudis or the Supreme Council of Ayatollahs in Iran, or both in conjunction with the godless mandarins of the hard Left.
The entire pro-Islamic conspiracy taught at some of our finest universities among people who should know better smacks of delusional elitism on the one hand and the prophecies of the final book of the New Testament, Revelation, on the other.
Revelation, specifically, predicted a time in the last days of our current civilization of state authorized decapitations (a very Muslim practice) for those rejecting the number of the 'beast' and of a one world government advocating a one world religion which our elites seem bound and determined to implement over the wishes of ordinary people who know better. Again this is an Orwellian world of confusing doublespeak where Lies are Truth and Truth are Lies, Love is Hate and Hate is Love.
Progressively the world seems to be divided into a world fostered by the Satanic agenda of our elites and struggled against by ordinary men and women who are aware of the truth of what is happening but are relatively powerless in their struggle against it.
It is a Manichean world which will see only one final victor.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Kirsten Powers, a former atheist, is "Pursued by God" perhaps via the writings of C.S. Lewis
I am gratified to hear the Kirsten Powers has allowed Jesus into her life. As a fellow Christian I can applaud her decision. You will forgive me however if I am a little skeptical of her claim that "God pursued me" as it is almost a verbatim copy of the claims made by one of the English speaking world's greatest and most published Christian apologists, C.S. Lewis, about how he came to Christ.
My instincts tell me that perhaps Ms. Powers is cynically using a little 'poetic license' in the telling of her story for its dramatic value. I hope I am wrong and I am inclined to give people the benefit of the doubt; on the other hand, the well-educated and erudite Ms. Powers would have been more than aware of the writings of C.S. Lewis.
That being said it probably can be argued that the phenomenon of fundamentally moral, if not religious, people being 'pursued' by God is a more common occurrence than we know and that Ms. Powers came to this experience completely independent of any reading of C.S. Lewis.
For the sake of her immortal soul I hope the latter is the case.
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin, A Defender of the Faith?
Putin says leaders should unite to end anti-Christian persecution??
Whatever Putin's political motivations for his 'new found' discovery of his Christian faith, which he probably has not practiced since he was a toddler in Sunday school (if ever), you can be sure his motivations are multi-faceted and determined to protect Russian culture from its greatest threat.
The changing demographic dynamics in Russia and throughout much of the planet are witnessing the exponential explosion of Muslim birthrates concurrent with shrinking birthrates in the Christian populations. The non-Muslim populations are getting old and are not having sufficient children to take care of them while the burgeoning under 20 population is largely Muslim. This is true not only in Russia but increasingly in much of the world.
Putin understands that the pre-Soviet era in Russia saw much larger birthrates in Russia when the Russian Orthodox Christian church was still influential than it ever has since either under communism or post-communism and the oligarchs.
Many world leaders, including Angel Merkel the Chancellor of Germany, are waking up to the threatening reality of their shrinking populations concurrent with the loss of the Christian religion. Merkel famously said recently regarding the demographic changes in Germany, "The problem is not too much Islam, the problem is too little Christianity.
Even former Labour Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, once an avowed secularist, has 'rediscovered' his Christianity since leaving office. He had now become a leading advocate of inter-faith dialog. A dubious pursuit at best. Britain, like much of Western Europe is under threat from their growing Muslim populations.
Many, are slowly waking up to the two-pronged threat of losing the influence of Christianity on Western culture to be supplanted by the dark and evil faith of Islam. Yes, they are waking up but is it too little too late?
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Bill Cosby and his Philosophical Inheritors including Bill O'Reilly and Don Lemon
The breakdown of the nuclear family in the Black community in the U.S. and Canada has reached epidemic proportions with all the negative fallout in terms of violence and urban decay this entails.
The Black comedian, Bill Cosby, has been speaking on this issue for at least a decade and has taken a lot of flak for his courage and his honesty that the race baiters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the New Black Mangy Jackals do not want to address.
This past week political independent and 'white' talk show host, Bill O'Reilly, set a new standard by isolating and condemning precisely the self-destructive behavior that Blacks indulge in which keeps their community impoverished and violent. A 73% birth rate out of wedlock tops this list.
Now, liberal Black CNN news anchor Don Lemon demonstrating a considerable amount of personal courage (considering that he works for a mushy, PC, liberal network) is speaking out on the self-destructive behavior of the Black community with some strong recommendations on how to change their behavior.
All this honesty and forthrightness is encouraging but I fear good intentions without the backbone of ethical principles necessary to hang your hat on, runs the risk of evaporating up in vapors. The Black community needs to go back to Church and reestablish Christian and family values in the home which even still could take a generation. The journey of a thousand miles, however, begins with the first step.
Equally, the White community could help their Black brothers and sisters a great deal by setting an example and re-engaging with their Christian faith as well. A faith informed nuclear family centered upon a married man and woman could go a long way to correcting much of society's ills.
Sunday, 21 July 2013
The Moderation of Stephen Harper Meets the Ideological Unsoundness of Jonathan Kay
Response to a Jonathan Kay Article in the National Post: Embittering paranoia is stubborn vice Harper can’t seem to shake:
I think that 'embittered and paranoid’ as the ideologically unsound JK terms it, is the condition of being a conservative not only in Canada but the U.S. as well. To say that conservatives and conservative values are under attack north of the Rio Grande is to be the master of the understatement.
Whether it is the fiscal conservative posturing of a candidate Romney during the 2012 campaign to his unapologetic capitalism with which he governed his laudable career, both fiscal and entrepreneurial conservatism were derided to the point of the absurd by Obama and his Marxist goons. Equally rational social conservatism as expressed as a resistance to unfettered late term abortion and a condemnation of the genocidal Planned Parenthood organization, or government funded contraception, or the resistance of Roman Catholic organizations to the forced funding of contraception in their health care plans in contradiction of their beliefs, was termed by the Democrats as a 'War against Women'.
Indeed President Obama, by the most balanced accounts a far Left radical, has engaged in a non-ending war against capitalism and conservatism since assuming power in 2008, the list of details being far too long to go into here.
Equally, Prime Minister Harper since forming his first of two minority governments and now his majority government has long been accused of having 'a radical conservative ( read fascist) agenda' which to date has never materialized and could not be further from the truth based on the actions of this fundamentally moderate and cautious man. Like most successful Canadian politicians Stephen Harper expressed strong ideological criticism against the government when he was out of power but has successfully and dutifully governed from the centre after assuming power.
In short, conservatives have a right to be embittered even paranoid. Embittered because they know they are right and that they embody the economic and social vision which made the U.S. and Canada two of the richest and freest of nations and yet they are constantly confronted with the opaque, godless, unwashed extremist hordes of the Left who yearn to live in a totalitarian anti-capitalist world based on the collectivist values of the ultimate nanny state. Paranoid because the conspiracies against sound conservative principles are multiplying like fungi in the shade growing on an ever-growing mound of bull dung.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
John Stuart Nuttall and Amanda Marie Korody, the would be pressure cookers bombers of the B.C. Parliament were recent Muslim converts, not merely Al Qaeda inspired.
People do not 'self-radicalize' in a vacuum but always have an ideological underpinning and in recent years the ideological underpinnings of the lion's share of terrorist attacks or attempted terrorist attacks have invariably been tied to Islam.
The RCMP may have been 'sexing up the story' by making Al Qaeda references, I acknowledge that, but equally, the ‘perps’, John Stewart Nuttall, 38, and his partner Amanda Marie Korody, 30 were recent converts to Islam and yet the RCMP and Christy Clark studiously avoided mentioning that damning fact as well.
It took Nuttall’s lawyer, Tom Morino, to admit that “his client had converted to Islam and embraced the Muslim faith" but Mr. Morino added the caveat that, "the alleged offences are “absolutely unrelated” to any mosque group or any other established organization. ‘I am not aware of any mosque with which he is affiliated’.”
It appears that Islamophilia, which is now rampant in Britain, most of continental Europe and now in the U.S., since the gross incompetency which is the Obama administration, has now come to Canada and resides with the official statements of the R.C.M.P..
Islamophilia means in essence that Islam and its adherents are above reproach and all the terror as well as honour killings, female genital mutilation, and rape and groom gangs aimed at young non-Muslim girls that some Muslims perpetrate, is in recent times progressively more often given a generic source. God help us.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Reflections on the Cartoon of an Exploding Jihadi posted by Tarek Fatah in Facebook
The more I reflect upon this ostensibly simple cartoon the more it affects me. On one level of course it is just a simple sight gag and for anyone with even a cursory understanding of the confused motivations of political Islam it is both immediately amusing but equally sublime. The cartoon works well because it clearly sums up a profound truism.
At a deeper level however, upon reflection, this cartoon takes on for me the nature of a Japanese Zen Buddhist koan or riddle. Why is the exploding Jihadi the enemy of Islam? Well the more you think about it the more reasons you discover. For the sake of arguement we will operate on the assumption that Islam, despite its deeply problematic political component, is a genuine faith.
1. According to most religions and spiritual philosophies doing violence to other human beings to the point of death is murder and the commandment 'Thou shalt not kill (murder)'. It is integral to both divine and humanistic conscience. When one murders, even allegedly by divine commandment, one is acting against God.
2. At the level of the sacred however murder takes on an even deeper significance. When you murder you both destroy your relationship with God and you eliminate another person or persons relationship with God. Such an act has ramifications throughout eternity.
3. When a Jihadi murders in the name of Islam he most importantly takes away a persons freedom of choice and that really goes to the heart of the problem of political Islam. It is a central tenet of most faiths that God gave man the freedom of choice. One either chooses to have a relationship with God with the moral and eternal implications of that choice or one chooses to deny God and thus His morality and His offer of eternity. During the life of the prophet Muhammad and for several centuries after his death, Islam was spread by invading armies. Conquered peoples were given a choice of whether to accept Islam or to be put to the sword. Not much of a choice. Those who were permitted to live without submitting were subjected either to Dhimmitude (second-class citizenship status and obligated to pay a special tax) or they were enslaved. Again, not much of a choice.
Compare the spread of Islam to the spread of early Christianity. For the first three centuries after the death of Christ, Christianity was spread by wandering disciples telling of the 'good news' of Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection for the Salvation of Mankind. The early converts to Christianity were appealed to through their reason and their spiritual need for meaning. Many others rejected the message of Christianity and without consequence at the temporal level because that again was their choice. No armies were ever associated with Christianity until after Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Holy Roman Empire. Since the Reformation, Christianity which is a messianic faith, continues to proselytize but never under duress because that is contrary to the freedom of choice on matters of conscience that God has given man.
Consider also Judaism, which is strictly speaking a messianic religion in that it holds to a (yet to come) Messiah but in the broader sense of the word it does not have the messianic impulse in that it does not proselytize its faith nor its Messiah. One can choose to become a Jew but it is purely a matter of choice and the process can be complicated.
Or Hinduism which is a faith of many Gods and Goddesses and feels no need to proselytize because its generally tolerant pantheism acknowledges that there are perhaps infinite paths to the Godhead. A similar condition of tolerance and non-proselytizing exists for the spiritual philosophies of Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism.
Indeed, of all the major faiths and spiritual philosophies, it is only Islamic adherents who believe and claim that according to the Quran they are obligated spread the word of Islam by force if necessary and to destroy those who ridicule or reject Islam; thus, removing their freedom of choice. This is particularly the case with the 'Jihadi' proponents of supremacist political Islam.
If Allah, is truly God, then clearly something went wrong with the development of Islam even during the life of the prophet Muhammad. In the course of its development Islam went from claiming in Verse 256 of Al-Baqara in the Quran, "there is no compulsion in religion", which was a 'Revelation' that Muhammad received while still living in Mecca and was still non-violent to this passage based on a further 'Revelation' which Muhammed had in Medina after he started leading armies to attack his enemies, to wit: Quran (2:191-193) "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah."
Furthermore, "The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did)."
From that point onwards in Islam's development as a religion it ceased to adhere to the eternal commandment of God that man had the freedom to accept or reject God and that no man had the right to exact revenge against another man because of that choice. Islam has been on the wrong side of God and the wrong side of history ever since.
Getting back to our little exploding 'Jihadi' in the cartoon above, well he set himself up. He asked God to go against His own commandment that there be no compulsion in religion or in other words that a man should always have freedom of choice, when he asked God 'to blow up all of Islam's enemies". Bad mistake as he set himself up in opposition to God.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Protesters were arrested in Toronto today for simply mocking Islam. It is okay to protest against Israel or the U.S. or the Canadian government including the breaking of store windows and the burning of police cars without being arrested. Protest against Islam however and you will soon be arrested. In this particular incident even after the arrest the police sustain a double standard. They take away the Caucasian Eric Brazeau in a police van but they release the equally involved other organizer, Ron Banerjee, who is a Hindu of East Indian origin. Apparently even among protesters there are degrees of culpability depending on your race and/or religion. This police action should be roundly condemned.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Martha Hall Findlay still has not grasped Politics 101
I will be forthcoming and admit that I am a conservative and as such my interest in the career of Martha Hall Findlay is largely academic but sincere nonetheless. I have been following her career for some years now having acquired some interest in her vis a vis her sessions as a not infrequent interviewee and panelist on the old Michael Coren Show which use to run on the CTS network.
I always found her to be sincere and articulate and well versed enough in the issues of the Canadian political scene to credibly defend her positions and likewise critique the positions of others. It is true she has had a rather sketchy political career being out of office much more than being in but I have always felt that she was on a learning curve as well as a credibility curve and that eventually her time would come. Now I am not too sure.
In this latest attempt at pandering (indirectly) to the Muslim community by taking a shot at PM Stephen Harper for his consistent support of Israel, Ms. Findlay is falling into the age old trap of trying to be everything to everybody.
If Ms. Findlay had read her Aesop's Fable when she was a child, about the boy, the old man and the donkey and who should ride that donkey, she would have understood that when you try to please everybody you end up pleasing nobody. A mature politician would have understood that between Israel and the Palestinians there is no moderate middle ground. You will eventually end up being forced to side with one or the other. because the players involved will have it no other way.
The mature and wise politician therefore will come out in support of the most credible side of any given issue, in this case the right of Israel to exist without constant harassment from the Palestinians, the Muslim world in general and of course the Western Left.
If after all these years in politics Martha Hall Findlay has not acquired enough political savvy to understand even this then I give her little hope of fulfilling her leaderships ambitions or even winning a seat. Too bad because she showed promise at one time.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Police Pansification From Police 'Forces' to Police 'Services'
Do not blame our current OPP Commissioner as Julian Fantino was just as incompetent and impotent in his handling of the Caledonia occupation by Mohawk thugs when he headed the OPP. The pansification of the police in Ontario started some time ago during the Bob Rae/NDP government in Ontario when the politically correct Leftist denizens of the Nanny State decided to convert our Police 'Forces' into Police 'Services'. Policing has been in decline ever since.
The best they are capable of now is a limp-wristed form of crowd control and note taking as if they were $12.00 an hour security guards instead of 'allegedly' highly trained professionals making often over $100,000.00 per year with a little overtime. What are we paying for as tax payers?
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Idle No More is merely a marionette of The Rising Tide organization
I agree that the Indian Act must be revisited and furthermore that our native people should be treated precisely like everyone else, no better and no worse. That being said it must also be stated that the "Idle No More" and its clandestine backers are largely smoke and mirrors.
The "Idle No More' movement is (which should be called ‘Idle Once Again' movement) is only the latest manifestation operating under an international Marxist umbrella group entitled ‘The Rising Tide’. Former variations of the ‘Idle No More’ movement were the far Left ‘Anti-Poverty Coalition' and later the 'Occupy' movement.
These so-called ‘independent’ grass roots movements are neither more independent nor grass roots than any well funded labour union local operating under such labour giants as the CAW or the AAW.
Well intended Canadians must come to terms with the fact that there is a sub-class in our culture, populated by communists; anarchists and the entitlement obsessed chronically unemployed and backed by big labour; radical environmentalists advancing international Marxism; promoters of internationalism out of the UN; and Iranian and Saudi money, who collectively and singularly are sworn to the destabilization of Canada's economy and ultimately the undermining of Canada's sovereignty. Do not be fooled by a few feathers, peace pipes and smoke lodges which are only window dressing, the people behind this movement are the far Left internationalists and they must be exposed and thoroughly discredited at all costs.
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