Tuesday, 30 June 2015

“Progressive” Liberalism is Collectivism by another name

Liberals are terrified of the strong individual. The strong individual is everything they are not and (in their own minds at least) cannot ever be. Furthermore, what is the polar opposite of the individual to wit, the collective? In reality, it is but a group of individuals. The concept therefore of the collective being a coherent whole is erroneous at best. Any society which wishes to bury the individual into the collective therefore, is much more about the power of those doing the burying than it is about the welfare of the collective. Both the Soviet Politburo and the Politburo of the People's Republic of China are cases in point. In both instances, a privileged group dominated by a strong man, presumes to decide what is desirable for the teeming masses. America, on the other hand, used to be a country which attempted, by rule of law in concert with small government, to provide equality of opportunity for all individuals but never equality of result. To provide equality of result would require reducing everyone to the lowest common denominator which is precisely what the neo-Marxist community organizer Barack Hussein Obama has attempted to do for the last 7 years. Bernie Sanders (and no doubt Hillary) promise to do the same after 2016. Furthermore, only a secular and strictly godless society can proceed thus. For, who did the Lord Jesus come to save? The collective? Or the individual? The collective en masse cannot make a personal choice to accept Christ. It is the individual who chooses to accept or reject the Salvation offered by Jesus Christ. Knowing this, the advocates of the collective like Obama, must attack Christianity because it’s honoring of the individual and individual choice represents the polar opposite of the evil they are trying to achieve.

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