Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Tarek Fatah, ostensibly a brave fighter against that false distinction which is called Radical Islam, but who equivocates about the true nature of mainstream Islam. Taqiyya?

There is much of worth to say about Tarek Fatah; but, one should always take him with a grain of salt. He is indeed a decade’s long fighter against radical Islam (Islamofascism) but he insists that what he imagines to be the 'authentic' religion of Islam, its alleged prophet Mohamed and its Holy Book, the Quran, is a genuine religion and it is distinct from radical Islam. This insistence despite the overwhelming evidence of the essentially political and ideological nature of even so-called mainstream Islam as it continues to pose an existential threat to the entire civilized world. Indeed major Islamic leaders and politicians have contradicted Tarek's schizophrenic view of Islam. Recep Erdogan, Turkey's Prime Minister, said that claims about the distinction between radical Islam and mainstream or moderate Islam are at best erroneous. There is only Islam. Keep in mind that Prime Minister Erdogan is a notorious Islamist but he does not equivocate about the nature of Islam and its ultimate agenda. Likewise, President Al Sisi of Egypt, recently addressed Islamic scholars at Al-Azhar University (the epicenter of Sunni Islam scholarship) and called for a major reform of Islamic sacred (so-called) texts. Among other things, Al Sisi said that the “corpus of [Islamic] texts and ideas that we have sacralised over the centuries” are “antagonizing the entire world”; that it is not “possible that 1.6 billion people [reference to the world’s Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants—that is 7 billion—so that they themselves may live”; and that Egypt (or the Islamic world in its entirety) “is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.” Tarek however continues to deny the essentially radical and corrosive nature of mainstream Islam despite what is common knowledge in the Islamic world. Much like the “Liar-in-Chief”, Barack Hussein Obama. Do we detect a pattern here? Also, as a committed Leftist, Fatah persists in a schizophrenic worldview. He has criticized the Obama administration on many occasions for their pro-Islamist agenda, on the well documented infection of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House and their effect on foreign policy and the wording of national security documents; but, then, on the other hand, he supported Obama’s Presidency as well as his re-election. Hello? Methinks that our good friend Tarek doth equivocate. He speaks with a forked-tongue. Taqiyya? As a Canadian voter Tarek votes for the NDP which are often to the left of the U.S. Democrats (if that can be believed) and essentially socialistic in their political agenda. The NDP, like the fatuous Obama administration, are also soft on the Islamists and are more inclined to engage and appease Islamic extremism than to fight against it. In conclusion, if you want to hear some hard facts and some valid insights about the nature of that false distinction called radical Islam, Tarek Fatah can be of assistance, but if you are looking for a completely honest, committed and consistent fighter against that deadly malevolence which is mainstream Islam, its true nature and its endemic agenda to overrun the civilized world and drag us all back into darkness, you had better look elsewhere.

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