Wednesday 13 June 2012

Dr. Aw's Banning Jag a la New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg

The demented Dr. Aw writes in his alleged concern for public health, "in Canada, we need to do more to make it difficult to access unhealthy foods, with taxes or school bans. We also need to make it easier to consume healthy foods — by increasing access to drinking water in public places, for example. Improved nutritional labelling is certain to help. We certainly need to address the link between obesity and poverty by making more affordable healthy foods available in disadvantaged communities." No we don't Dr. Aw, you health fascist, we don't need to do anything of the kind. Instead we need to raise our children appropriately so as to create a society where people are encouraged to take and accept personal responsibility and learn to grasp the concept of moderation as a rational mode of living. If we did so, health fascists like you, would be totally redundant, Now THAT, is a cheerful thought. Lets just ban, banners, and then we can go about our lives without panty-waisted nanny-staters presuming, in their shrill and demented way, that they have the right, nay the obligation, to tell us how to live. F_ck off!

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