Sunday 17 June 2012

Would the Liberals survive a merger with the NDP?"

Whatever that ephemeral thing is that the traditionally pragmatic Liberals imagine that they are, it was never quite loony enough to be socialist or principled enough to be conservative. They were like greyhounds chasing down the electric rabbit at the races in their attempt to capture the elusive 'centre'of Canadian politics. They sometimes won the race but could never be said to own the centre. They merely corralled it for a time. Thus, if the Liberals ever joined the ideologically driven NDP, it would in essence be an assimilation of an undefined and thus vulnerable political culture (the Liberals) by a defined and aggressive political culture (the NDP). The inevitable result would be as obvious as the wart on the shoulders of Thomas Mulcair that some call his head, to wit, the Liberals would disappear into political oblivion.

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