Sunday, 30 September 2012
Muslim leaders denying that a ban on criticizing Islam is a ban on Free Speech are LIARS.
The Islamic leaders denying that a ban on criticizing and/or ridiculing their prophet and/or Islam is not an attack on free speech are LIARS. Lying is of course the Islamic way. They have a long tradition of lying in Islam, indeed it is even institutionalized in their faith as 'Taquiyya". According to the shady Islamic values of 'Taquiyya' any lie told in the defense of Islam is morally acceptable.
Denying the right of the world to criticize the prophet and/or Islam would in effect give the barbaric Islamic world carte blanche to carry out any barbaric act against any other religious or ideological group in the name of Islam with impunity. As long as their abject barbarism is done in the name of Islam then any criticism of the barbaric behavior of Muslims would be considered illegal and punishable by either imprisonment or death. Thus shutting down all further and much needed debate about Islam. The free world would be out of their minds to accept ANY blasphemy law including ANY ban on free speech.
Dhimmi President Obama Sabotages the First Amendment
You can rest assured that had this poorly crafted trailer on YouTube not been used as an excuse by the Salafists and other radical loons in the Islamic community to manufacture Islamic rage worldwide, that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the creator of "Innocence of Muslims" , would never have been arrested.
The reasons given for his arrest, even if legitimate, were implemented on the order of the Dhimmi President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, to cowardly appease the Muslim world. The appeasement of the raging Muslim world over this idiotic trailer by arresting this poor man, (who incidentally is a Coptic Christian who was persecuted in Egypt for years before being forced to emigrate to the U.S.), says in effect to the entire world that the U.S., is now controlled by the abomination which is Sharia law which makes it a crime punishable by death to ridicule and/or criticize the prophet or Islam. How disgraceful.
Whatever happened to the First Amendment in the American Constitution which protects Freedom of Speech? The First Amendment was ignored by this Dhimmi President whose job it is to DEFEND the Constitution. Should this 'Manchurian Candidate' Obama be re-elected in November, you can kiss the world's foremost democracy goodbye with the rest of the democratic world soon to follow.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Sniffling Cheese Sniffing dog Nabs Cheese Nappers
Pretty cheesy I would say to have Canadian police constables profiting from the smuggling of illicit cheeses. Apparently it was the stinkiest cheeses, the Taleggio, the Epoisses, the Pont l'Evêque, the Limburger and the Stinking Bishop, soft cheeses all, which gave the game away. Despite what you might read elsewhere, the smugglers counted on the fact that the Canadian cheese smelling dog at the border had a notorious head cold which should have made him incapable of honing onto the cheeses. However this particular shipment of cheeses was so maliciously malodorous, so obnoxiously odoriferous and so painfully pungent that even the decidedly inclement cheese smelling dog could not be fooled. The cheese napping career of our scandalous constables was nipped by a sniffling sniffer and all remains well at the Canadian border.
Monday, 24 September 2012
Farzana Hassan: The Borgian Group think of Muslims
This is an excellent article by FARZANA HASSAN who acknowledges that it is the Borgian-like Muslim group think and a long tradition of letting their mullahs and imams do their thinking for them that make it inconceivable for most Muslims to accept that many Westerners are self-motivated and can create independent of their governments. Never having enjoyed freedom of action and freedom of thought within the Muslim majority world, most Muslims therefore cannot conceptually grasp these freedoms let alone accept them and appreciate them. The appreciation of freedom appears to be something which has to grow organically within a culture as it has in the West since the largely symbolic signing of the Magna Carta. The poor creature who has been blind since birth does not really miss not seeing, never having had the experience.
Thus, many in the Muslim world automatically assume that any third rate YouTube posting which ridicules Muhammad and which originates in the U.S. must have been authorized by the U.S. government. This despite the fact that the U.S. government continues to be active in supporting the “Arab Spring” so-called in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt while bending over backwards to shamelessly apologize and distance themselves from this idiotic film.
Ms. Hassan concludes her article by stating, “It is hard to say what doubts exist behind the monolithic wall of contemporary Muslim orthodoxy. The Muslim world itself has much to gain from being as open as it was centuries ago. In the meantime, tolerating criticism and satire would be a useful first step towards such openness.”
I would respond to M Hassan that clearly evil men within the Supreme Council of Iran, the Wahabists in Saudi Arabia, the Salafists and Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Jamaat –y- Islami in Pakistan find it politically expedient to maintain "the monolithic wall of contemporary Muslim orthodoxy". They do this to keep their cattle-like populations from the truth and use them instead as violent political tools to achieve their sordid ends.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
America's Downfall is the Free World's Downfall
God save us from those perennially provincial Canadians, those pseudo-nationalists of jaundiced chauvinism who are so visionless and muted in their understanding of the world politic that they inanely forget how inextricably Canada's well being and indeed the well being of the free world hangs on a solvent and militarily powerful U.S..
These self-satisfied cretins who forget the obvious details that are so long established and dependable that they have been stupidly allowed to be reduced to denigrated clichés. They take for granted the fact that the American people, for all their narcissistic self-absorption, are our friends, neighbors, largest trading partner and often our relatives sitting below the longest undefended border in the world. Who have fought side by side with us in two world wars as well as several local conflagrations. Who share most of our ideological, economic, religious and social values and particularly our love of freedom and democracy.
Furthermore, they, unlike us, are a global superpower who particularly since WW11, have striven vigorously if sometimes ham-handedly, to serve as the global bulwark against totalitarianism be it fascism, communism and the most oppressive of all, Islamism.
The U.S. is so hated by the totalitarian regimes and ideologues of the world because they understand better than many Canadians that should the U.S. fail the rest of the free world, and particularly Canada, will be almost defenceless and ripe for the picking.
To paraphrase the title of Mr. Black's article above, should the U.S. fail, Canada’s front-row seat for the American disaster will be for the inevitable Canadian disaster as well.
Friday, 21 September 2012
The Petulant Childishness of Islam
In the West we defend 'Freedom of Speech' as the greatest of human rights because if an individual has freedom of speech then all other freedoms are possible. If a man has the freedom to speak his mind then he also has freedom of thought. If he has freedom of thought he has freedom of action, freedom of movement, freedom of assembly, freedom to invent, to create, to love, to grow, to become a whole man. Equally, if you deny an individual the right to condemn and ridicule a religion such as Islam then you not only limit the man’s freedom and the freedom of the society he lives in but you also are implying that Islam cannot withstand criticism.
Since the Reformation, Christianity has withstood centuries of criticism and ridicule and still remains the largest, most influential religion in the world. Opening itself up to criticism and even ridicule has made Christianity much stronger realizing that it can withstand anything because it is true.
When you deny people the right to criticise, condemn or ridicule Islam because Muslims will be offended consider what you are implying. You are implying that Islam is weak and false and therefore cannot bear investigation, ridicule and even neglect. I say to you that if Islam is true it will withstand all criticism, ridicule and neglect and become stronger. If on the other hand if Islam is weak and false it will disappear after being exposed through criticism, ridicule and/or neglect. If it disappears then it does so because it is false and should never have existed in the first place.
Furthermore, in a free society you learn that there are other responses other than violence to insults, ridicule, criticism etc. What distinguishes a civilized culture from a barbaric culture is that the civilized man has learned to respond in other ways other than violence.
Did it ever occur to Muslims that if someone insults their prophet or their religion that instead of assaulting or even killing that individual they can simply insult and/or ridicule him back? Or they can ignore him. Or they can debate him. One thing is for sure they will give no credit to their religion by getting violent every time someone insults or criticises it.
Did it ever occur to them that it is time that the Muslim world ‘grow up’ and stop acting like spoiled, petulant, children every time they are offended? I hate to break it to them but that is precisely how Muslims are regarded by non-Muslims, as spoiled, petulant, violent, children. That does not say much about Islamic culture does it?
Saturday, 15 September 2012
The Human Mind vs the Insect Mind
Why Westerners generally find the Islamic mind so unfathomable can be put down to the difference of the individualistic mindset of a Westerner imbued by the Judeo/Christian tradition and the Muslim mind conditioned by a collectivist, ideological tradition. Or the difference of the mammalian mind as opposed to the insect mind. Or the difference of the human mind as opposed to the 'Borgian' mind. How outrage over an idiotic, third rate YouTube posting ridiculing Mohamed and Islam can spread like wildfire throughout the Muslim 'Ummah' as if through an anthill, a bee hive or a hornet's nest can only be understood through the collectivizing prism of the Islamic ideology. This equally may go a long way to explaining why the collectivist far Left is so supportive of Islamists, collectivists of a feather stick together.
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