Monday, 24 September 2012

Farzana Hassan: The Borgian Group think of Muslims

This is an excellent article by FARZANA HASSAN who acknowledges that it is the Borgian-like Muslim group think and a long tradition of letting their mullahs and imams do their thinking for them that make it inconceivable for most Muslims to accept that many Westerners are self-motivated and can create independent of their governments. Never having enjoyed freedom of action and freedom of thought within the Muslim majority world, most Muslims therefore cannot conceptually grasp these freedoms let alone accept them and appreciate them. The appreciation of freedom appears to be something which has to grow organically within a culture as it has in the West since the largely symbolic signing of the Magna Carta. The poor creature who has been blind since birth does not really miss not seeing, never having had the experience. Thus, many in the Muslim world automatically assume that any third rate YouTube posting which ridicules Muhammad and which originates in the U.S. must have been authorized by the U.S. government. This despite the fact that the U.S. government continues to be active in supporting the “Arab Spring” so-called in Tunisia, Libya and Egypt while bending over backwards to shamelessly apologize and distance themselves from this idiotic film. Ms. Hassan concludes her article by stating, “It is hard to say what doubts exist behind the monolithic wall of contemporary Muslim orthodoxy. The Muslim world itself has much to gain from being as open as it was centuries ago. In the meantime, tolerating criticism and satire would be a useful first step towards such openness.” I would respond to M Hassan that clearly evil men within the Supreme Council of Iran, the Wahabists in Saudi Arabia, the Salafists and Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and the Jamaat –y- Islami in Pakistan find it politically expedient to maintain "the monolithic wall of contemporary Muslim orthodoxy". They do this to keep their cattle-like populations from the truth and use them instead as violent political tools to achieve their sordid ends.

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