Saturday, 15 September 2012

The Human Mind vs the Insect Mind

Why Westerners generally find the Islamic mind so unfathomable can be put down to the difference of the individualistic mindset of a Westerner imbued by the Judeo/Christian tradition and the Muslim mind conditioned by a collectivist, ideological tradition. Or the difference of the mammalian mind as opposed to the insect mind. Or the difference of the human mind as opposed to the 'Borgian' mind. How outrage over an idiotic, third rate YouTube posting ridiculing Mohamed and Islam can spread like wildfire throughout the Muslim 'Ummah' as if through an anthill, a bee hive or a hornet's nest can only be understood through the collectivizing prism of the Islamic ideology. This equally may go a long way to explaining why the collectivist far Left is so supportive of Islamists, collectivists of a feather stick together.

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