Monday, 14 December 2015
Former Ontario Premier, Dalton McGuinty, unconvincingly serves as an apologist for his own criminally irresponsible Lieberal government and by extension the on-going disaster which is the Kathleen Wynne government
Ontario's former Lieberal Premier, Dalton McGuinty, fatuously claims that "My government's decision to end coal-fired generation and pivot to green energy was the right one."
Uh huh, tell that to the thousands of businesses which were forced to close because of outrageous energy costs and provincial taxes as well as the hundreds of thousands of employee's who have lost their jobs in Ontario's as a result.
One might make a reasonable arguement that ending coal-fired generation, as long as it was done incrementally, would be a good one; but, the poorly thought out pivot to unsustainable, unproductive, highly inefficient and very expensive green energy has proven an economic disaster for Ontario. We should have rebuilt and expanded our nuclear power or looked at hydro power options.
The cost that "Being clean and green" has come with is being saddled with a criminally incompetent Lieberal government for 12 years.
Friday, 2 October 2015
Obama cynically uses tragic shooting at an Oregon Community College to advance his anti-Constitutional, anti-Gun agenda.
Ah, all the Rahm Emmanuelite groupies are swarming out of the woodwork tonight. We all know Rahm, the mayor of Chicago, the most violent city in America, bar none, which also happens to have the strictest gun laws on the books. Rahm Emmanuel who cynically stated a few years ago, "Never, let a crisis go to waste." This is the cynicism that Obama displayed this evening when he politicized this tragic shooting for his Marxist motives, long before all the facts of the shooting are in. SHAME.
Incidentally, the honest, decent, hardworking Americans, many of whom are gun owners including hunters, target shooters and home defenders, obey those strict gun laws, whether they agree with them or not. Unfortunately, the criminals, psychotics and jihadis who commit all the inner city crime as well as most of the mass shootings in the U.S., DO NOT follow the gun laws; therein people, lies the problem.
The problem, clearly, is not a matter of more gun laws, because, inevitably, where the worst shootings happen, is in areas which have the strictest gun laws. No, the answers are MUCH more COMPLEX, and must consider other variables, including larger societal issues like mental illness, the break down of the nuclear family, growing Jihadi terrorism and a permissive society which encourages lack of personal responsibility, Most of this societal dementia being conveniently ignored, if not condoned, by the uber liberal Democratic party.
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Dr. Ben Carson is absolutely correct. A Muslim should never be the U.S. President. The national and international disaster which has been the Obama presidency is a case in point.
Dr. Ben Carson is absolutely correct, which is the reason Obama has been such a disaster as a President. Any devout Muslim will be by definition conflicted in his or her loyalties between their country and the Muslim Ummah ( Collective) and their adherence to the invisible sky pirate they call God. . The following examples by this Saboteur-in-Chief demonstrate this conflictedness in practice.
Obama's sabotaging actions against national security (gutting the military, refusing to close the Southern border, encouraging illegal immigration through illegal executive action, promoting sanctuary cities and encouraging racial polarization etc).
His sabotage against economic recovery such as Obamacare, putting a moratorium on oil drilling and fracking on federals lands, vetoing the Keystone XL pipeline, increasing the national debt by 9 trillion and counting by frivolous investments of tax payers money on crony capitalist 'green ventures', such as the 'Solyndra' boondoggle, etc..
His sabotage against the U.S. credibility abroad, with his 'apology tour' to the Middle East at the beginning of his Presidency.
His abdication of the U.S. responsibility as a world leader has many examples. His patently absurd Iran nuclear deal which effectively finances a pathway to Iran building a nuclear arsenal and even selling fissile material for 'dirty bombs' to terrorists. His complete withdrawal of troops from Iraq. His half-hearted measures against ISIS which he referred to as the JV team. His doomed 'reset' with Russia and inability to stop Russian imperialism in Georgia, the Crimea and the Ukraine. His flaccid response to Syrian dictator Assad's use of poisonous gas against his own people after drawing a red line in the sand, etc., have all ensured that America's enemies don't fear us and America's friends don't trust us which has contributed to the world being a much more dangerous place during his 'conflicted' and some would say 'treasonous' Presidency.
The national and international disaster which has been the Obama presidency is living proof that a Muslim should NEVER be president, again. America, try vetting your President next time around.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Gay C.N.N. Pundit, Sally Kohn understands and sympathizes with gay, black, murderer. Is it his blackness or his gayness that she sympathizes with?
Sally Kohn is a wing nut. I first clued into this when she was, incomprehensibly, a Fox News contributor, on shows like 'Hannity'. She invariably had a fixed, smarmy, superior-to-thou expression on her face, as if it was an undisputed fact that she was the smartest person in the room. That presumption was quickly shattered of course as soon as she opened her mouth and started spouting her loony Left nonsense. I notice that Fox News does not use her services any longer and I cannot for the life of me imagine why.
As far as her identifying with and supporting the gay, black, murderer, it is not merely because of his Blackness but it is also because of her Gayness. Sally Kohn is and out-of-the-closet lesbian who is married to a woman. That is her business of course and under normal circumstances it would not be worth mentioning except for the fact that she poses as a pundit and therefore that leaves her open to scrutiny and furthermore it allows one to understand perhaps why she is so quick sympathize with another gay person in trouble.
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Fox News Contributor Geraldo Rivera, keeps on making threats. Most recently against Donald J. Trump's campaign adviser.
I suppose Fox wants to keeps its well earned reputation of being 'Fair, BALANCED and Unafraid' by keeping liberals on its staff and on its contributor lists. People like Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers, Alan Colmes and Geraldo Rivera, to name but a few. With Messrs. Williams and Colmes as well as Ms. Powers, this works out very well because all three are highly civilized, intelligent and gifted individuals who routinely display self control and can handle a little criticism and can give it back without resorting to threats of violence. Unfortunately with Mr. Rivera recently, he is failing to control his hair trigger temper on places like 'The Five' where he threatened Eric Bolling recently and now this latest incident of threatening Donald J. Trump's campaign adviser. One wonders how much longer the long suffering Roger Ailes, the Fox News CEO, will continue to tolerate Geraldo Rivera's excesses before finally cracking the whip.
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Congenital Liar and Closet Muslim, Barack Hussein Obama, fatuously thanks Muslims for their imaginary contributions to America. Where is the laugh track for this hideous joke?
This is pure historical revisionism in action folks. America, historically, was demonstrably a Christian nation even if constitutionally practicing separation of Church and State. The only thing that Islam had to do with a developing America was incidental, due to the preying of the Barbary Pirates (from Islamic North Africa) on the Eastern seaboard of the U.S. after the Revolutionary War. This happened because the 13 Colonies no longer had the British Navy (at that time the dominant navy in world) to protect them. Thus the Americans were obligated to quickly develop their own powerful and effective navy to protect themselves from the Barbary Pirates and other external threats. This was the ONLY (and unintended) contribution that Muslims ever made to America. Any other claims by the closet Muslim, Obama, or any other traitor, is pure historical revisionism.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
“Progressive” Liberalism is Collectivism by another name
Liberals are terrified of the strong individual. The strong individual is everything they are not and (in their own minds at least) cannot ever be. Furthermore, what is the polar opposite of the individual to wit, the collective? In reality, it is but a group of individuals. The concept therefore of the collective being a coherent whole is erroneous at best. Any society which wishes to bury the individual into the collective therefore, is much more about the power of those doing the burying than it is about the welfare of the collective. Both the Soviet Politburo and the Politburo of the People's Republic of China are cases in point. In both instances, a privileged group dominated by a strong man, presumes to decide what is desirable for the teeming masses.
America, on the other hand, used to be a country which attempted, by rule of law in concert with small government, to provide equality of opportunity for all individuals but never equality of result. To provide equality of result would require reducing everyone to the lowest common denominator which is precisely what the neo-Marxist community organizer Barack Hussein Obama has attempted to do for the last 7 years. Bernie Sanders (and no doubt Hillary) promise to do the same after 2016.
Furthermore, only a secular and strictly godless society can proceed thus. For, who did the Lord Jesus come to save? The collective? Or the individual? The collective en masse cannot make a personal choice to accept Christ. It is the individual who chooses to accept or reject the Salvation offered by Jesus Christ. Knowing this, the advocates of the collective like Obama, must attack Christianity because it’s honoring of the individual and individual choice represents the polar opposite of the evil they are trying to achieve.
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Tarek Fatah, ostensibly a brave fighter against that false distinction which is called Radical Islam, but who equivocates about the true nature of mainstream Islam. Taqiyya?
There is much of worth to say about Tarek Fatah; but, one should always take him with a grain of salt. He is indeed a decade’s long fighter against radical Islam (Islamofascism) but he insists that what he imagines to be the 'authentic' religion of Islam, its alleged prophet Mohamed and its Holy Book, the Quran, is a genuine religion and it is distinct from radical Islam. This insistence despite the overwhelming evidence of the essentially political and ideological nature of even so-called mainstream Islam as it continues to pose an existential threat to the entire civilized world.
Indeed major Islamic leaders and politicians have contradicted Tarek's schizophrenic view of Islam. Recep Erdogan, Turkey's Prime Minister, said that claims about the distinction between radical Islam and mainstream or moderate Islam are at best erroneous. There is only Islam. Keep in mind that Prime Minister Erdogan is a notorious Islamist but he does not equivocate about the nature of Islam and its ultimate agenda.
Likewise, President Al Sisi of Egypt, recently addressed Islamic scholars at Al-Azhar University (the epicenter of Sunni Islam scholarship) and called for a major reform of Islamic sacred (so-called) texts. Among other things, Al Sisi said that the “corpus of [Islamic] texts and ideas that we have sacralised over the centuries” are “antagonizing the entire world”; that it is not “possible that 1.6 billion people [reference to the world’s Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants—that is 7 billion—so that they themselves may live”; and that Egypt (or the Islamic world in its entirety) “is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.” Tarek however continues to deny the essentially radical and corrosive nature of mainstream Islam despite what is common knowledge in the Islamic world. Much like the “Liar-in-Chief”, Barack Hussein Obama. Do we detect a pattern here?
Also, as a committed Leftist, Fatah persists in a schizophrenic worldview. He has criticized the Obama administration on many occasions for their pro-Islamist agenda, on the well documented infection of the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House and their effect on foreign policy and the wording of national security documents; but, then, on the other hand, he supported Obama’s Presidency as well as his re-election. Hello? Methinks that our good friend Tarek doth equivocate. He speaks with a forked-tongue. Taqiyya?
As a Canadian voter Tarek votes for the NDP which are often to the left of the U.S. Democrats (if that can be believed) and essentially socialistic in their political agenda. The NDP, like the fatuous Obama administration, are also soft on the Islamists and are more inclined to engage and appease Islamic extremism than to fight against it.
In conclusion, if you want to hear some hard facts and some valid insights about the nature of that false distinction called radical Islam, Tarek Fatah can be of assistance, but if you are looking for a completely honest, committed and consistent fighter against that deadly malevolence which is mainstream Islam, its true nature and its endemic agenda to overrun the civilized world and drag us all back into darkness, you had better look elsewhere.
Friday, 22 May 2015
Michelle Malkin correctly points out that Obama's weaselly claim that "You didn't built that" is both "historically ignorant and cynically demagogic".
When it comes to getting to where he is through other people's help, Obama literally wrote the book on it. Clearly Obama believes that because he (unlike all other Presidential candidates), was not properly vetted by the sycophantic media; because he was was carried through Harvard and other academic institutions for which he has yet to provide his transcripts; and because his 2008 election and particularly his 2012 re-election (after four years of gross incompetence) was won for him by Senior Strategist David Axelrod, that everyone else is as weak, deceitful and as dependent on others as him. "You didn't build that" was his 2012 campaign slogan. According to Michelle Malkin (whose new book "Who built that?", has become a bestseller), Obama's weaselly claim that "You didn't build that" is both "historically ignorant and cynically demagogic". I cannot agree more.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Left wing Australian loons were actually offended because Australian PM, Tony Abbot, called the ISIS Death Cult, A Death Cult. You truly cannot make stuff this absurd up.
I would be attempted to laugh out loud about the absurdity of idiots on the Left actually being offended about ISIS the death cult, being called a death cult, if the existence and the actions of ISIS were not so horrific. Equally, if such absurd and dangerous far Left thinking had not infected Canada and the U.S. as well. Between the demented Left and the psychopathic Islamic terrorists we are truly cursed with an implacable evil in our current time. God help us, or rather, Pray to God, but keep your powder dry.
Monday, 27 April 2015
The Dhimmi writer, Michael Ondattje, and the far Left liberal establishment he epitomizes, heralds the end of freedom and full human rights in the West, by cowardly refusing to honor Charlie Hepdo at the PEN awards.
Every system carries within it the seeds of its own destruction. The knee-jerk Dhimmi Michael Ondaatje and the far Left liberal establishment he epitomizes, represent the end of the classical liberal values of full human rights including free speech in the Democratic West. Curious enough, Charlie Hepdo is a liberal publication, but in the best classical sense of the word, in that they have the courage of their convictions and the willingness to put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms of all of us. No honour and no respect shown is too great for this fine and courageous publication. If there was ever was a redundant ideology and a backward, brutal culture that needs criticizing it is Islam and Islamic culture. Michael Ondaatje is a disgrace to his profession and in a just society, would be stripped of his Canadian citizenship and repatriated back to Sri Lanka.
Monday, 23 February 2015
Is Sally Kohn, the gay, moral and gender relativist, threatening the mental and gender stability of her young daughter, who sadly, has been entrusted to her care?
A recent article in the 'Daily Caller' states that Sally Kohn, a gay woman raising a daughter whom she hopes will also turn out gay, is a CNN contributor, an uber liberal network I rarely, if ever watch. She is also a Fox News contributor, on which I have seen her many times, particularly on panel discussion on 'Hannity'. I have always wondered what this 'smarmy', self-important woman, with her fixed, condescending, superior-to-thou, smirk, her cold eyes and her hard Left opinions on most issues, was doing on the conservative FNN; but, no doubt it was FNN striving to be "fair, balanced and unafraid". I had always suspected, in disinterested and casual observation, that she, with her 'boyish' and 'butch' short tousled hair cut and her uber liberalism and feminism was 'gay'; but, I was really not interested enough to care or find out. Today's article provided me with far more information about her than I cared to know. It is sad that a woman with her jaded, morally relativistic, opinions about sexuality and gender identity is legally allowed to raise a daughter who she hopes will 'also turn out gay'. In another time and place, which was less morally relative and confused, her attitudes to child rearing would be considered child abuse and dealt with accordingly.
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