Thursday, 28 June 2012

Tarek Fatah writes of "Brothers’ of the Muslim Brotherhood"

This advent of the Muslim Brotherhood assuming control of l Egypt, even democratically ,is of course a completely predictable result. The fascism which is endemic to the Muslim Brotherhood is hardly unique to the Brotherhood in the Islamic world but is merely an extension of the ideological component of the religion (so-called) of Islam, which is itself totalitarian in its makeup. Since Islam's inception, Islamic societies have attempted to establish theocratic dictatoships throughout Arab lands and the lands they had conquered. They established their tyranncal societies via the auspices of Sharia Law, or by making Sharia Law the primary law of the land. For those of you who still do not get it, Sharia Law, is, according to Muslim belief, Allah's law, NOT manmade law which is the law of the secular/democratic West. When Sharia Law is implemented, which the Muslim Brotherhood intends to do, then by definition the rights of Muslim men and boys become supreme according to the dictates of that law, Muslim women and girls become chattel to be used at the discretion of men, and all religious, ethnic and racial minorities become second-class and oppressed citizens subordinate to the dominant and supremacist Muslim culture. Any honest evaluation of the Sharia based society understands that it can never be and/or remain democratic, as we in the West understand democracy. For the secular/democractic Westerner, democratic societies are based on a generalized equality among ALL peoples. This equality does not exist in Egypt (nor any Muslim majority nation) and will never exist in Egypt as long the Muslim Brotherhood, or indeed any form of Islamist government, reigns supreme. In summary, tyranny, was, is and will remain the pervasive effect of Islam in any country where it is dominant. The ideological component of Islam is tyrannical at its core and will remain so indefinitely unless the Quran and thus Islam is reformed. There is no indication that this will happen under the primitive brief structure which currently exists which holds that the writings in the Quran are the sacred, infallible and unchangeable words of Allah and cannot be altered, upon pain of death. The fascism therefore, which is endemic to the Muslim Brotherhood, is merely an extension of that all pervasive tyrannical political component of Islam. To imagine otherwise is to be naive beyond the ken at best and to be dangerously delusional at worst and imminently vulnerable to attack and defeat by the Islamists.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

White supremacists take aim at Canadian Forces

Isn't it interesting how so many automatically assume that racists and/or racial supremacists have to be white. Enlightened, well traveled and more worldly people know that belief in racial supremacism is a pan racial phenomena and is practiced throughout the globe. The Japanese practiced racial supremacism against the Chinese during the "Rape of Nanking", in their sub-human treatment of Allied prisoners, and their misuse of Korean women as sex slaves during WW11. Even today, Arab racial supremacists in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Sudan and throughout the Arab emirates treat brown-coloured foreign workers much worse than their Arab or White counterparts, even to the point of enslavement which is also still practiced in pockets of the Middle East.. The racial apartheid practiced in the US by Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam is a racist practice but implementrd with enthusiasm and venom in that organization. Even today, in the People's Republic of China, non-Han Chinese people are widely regarded as "foreign devils" and regarded and treated as racially inferior by the majority Han Chinese. So, by all means, cry out against racism, but be not so provincial and uninformed that you automatically lay it a the feet of white people when it is practiced universally.

Malkin takes Juan Williams to school on “real journalism”

It was NRP (National Public Radio) who Williams worked for and who threw him under the bus when he dared to mention on the Bill O'Reilly show on Fox Cable News, that overtly dressed Muslims, ie. women wearing burqas or nigabs and bearded men wearing pajamas, who were sitting on the same plane as him, made him feel nervous. That was it, that is all he said, but it was enough for an NRP official to deem him crazy and arrange for his firing. Apparently freedom of speech in America does not include the right to express ones concerns about Muslims even if those feelings were heartfelt and genuine. He did not attack all Muslims he was merely expressing an honest emotion. On the otherhand, people should never forget that although Fox hired Williams on the spot after his shameful firing by NRP, they hired Williams as a 'liberal' commentator. He was hired to be controversial and dispute the claims of his conservative colleagues when he disagreed with them so one should not be surprised if they find Williams merely doing the job that he was hired to do I believe this little set to between Michelle Malkin and Juan Williams (who incidentally both respect one another behind the scenes) is being overblown. It was said in the heat of the moment and both will get over it quickly enough and move on. Both Malkin and Williams are very thick skinned as you have to be in their business and have had much worse criticism applied to both of them. Juan Williams is a very decent man with a lot of courage and professional integrity and conservatives would we well served to remember that about Juan whenever he says something they take issue with. Juan Williams is the least of our troubles from the 'liberal' camp. We have much bigger fish to fry such as most of the mainstream media particularly MSNBC commentators not to mention far Left 'comedians' such as the consistently obnoxious Bill Maher.

Premier Wall inspired by Scott Walker of Wisconsin

Scott Walker's gutsy and successful stand against collective bargaining rights for public service unions in Wisconsin, even through a recall election, makes him "Some kind of wonderful" from a conservative fiscal perspective. Scott Walker has handily demonstrated that 1. Conservatives are right and 2. Conservatives can win but they have to do it clarity of vision and boldness of action. One never has to apologize for being right. The time has come to seriously curtail collective bargaining rights for public service unions. Public service workers should be afforded a fair wage and benefits based on free market value and definitely should not be paid more in terms of wages or benefits than their private sector counterparts. Public service pension plans have to be re-evaluated with the intention of phasing them out over time to be substituted with private plans designed to be paid into by employees whether or not they continue in the public employ. This is definitely the route to go. We have to disembark from the royal road to hell which is the ever growing but unsustainable nanny state.

Leftist Muslim, Tarek Fatah, joins Glen Beck

There is much of value to say about Tarek Fatah but one should always take him with a grain of salt. He is indeed a decades long fighter against radical Islam (Islamo-fascism) but he insists that what he imagines to be the religion of Islam, its alleged prophet Mohamed and its Holy Book, the Quran, is a genuine religion and it is distinct from radical Islam. This insistence despite the overwhelming evidence that the continuing rise of mainstream Islam poses an existential threat to the entire civilized world, Also, as a committed Leftist, he persists in a schizophrenic worldview. He has criticized the Obama administration on many occasions for their pro-Islamist and anti-Israeli agenda, but then on the other hand he claims to support Obama's Presidency as well as his reelection. In Canada, Tarek votes for the NDP which are a far Left party, left of the U.S. Democrats (if that can be believed) and essentially socialistic in their political agenda. The NDP, like the fatuous Obama administration, are also soft on the Islamists and are more inclined to engage and appease Islamic extremism than to fight against it. In conclusion, if you want to hear some hard facts and some valid insights about the nature of radical Islam, Tarek Fatah can be of assistance, but if you are looking for a committed and consistent fighter against the deadly plague of radical Islam, I would be careful about putting too much faith in Mr. Fatah, because consistency is not his main suit.

Harper rightfully tells the EU: No Bailout

Of course Stephen Harper made the right move. This is really a no-brainer. Stephen Harper is an economist but enough of his political colleagues are lawyers for him to understand the phrase, 'setting a precedent.' That is precisely what Harper would have done had he weakened and agreed, even to a one-time bail-out, he would have set a precedent opening Canada to greater expectations of more bailouts in the future. In this world of increasing appetites for entitlements and free handouts this is NOT the road we want to venture down. All you Harper haters out there keep one thing in mind, if that socialist loony Mulcair had been our PM he would have agreed to the bailout and set Canada up for a future financial tsunami. Thank God we have a sane Prime Minister.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Redford's Win Spells the demise of Alberta and potentially Canada

The blighted and benighted minions of entitlement, socialism and enslavement have shot a poisoned arrow through the heart of Alberta. The once free people of Alberta, the last great hope of Canada, have chosen socialist enslavement over freedom. The not so secret UN socialist and internationalist Alison Redford was not kidding when she said that her PC party was not your father's PC party but Albertans were stupid enough and cowardly enough to vote for it anyway. Goodbye once proud and noble Alberta it was good to know you. Hello nanny state socialist slaves I turn my back on you as you have turned your back on your heritage, your future, your freedom and the inspiration you once provided all Canadians. Alberta, the heart and the last great hope of Canada, has chosen death over life. Canada RIP.

Alison Redford's PC government will implement a tough drinking-and-driving law

Nothing that United Nations 'plant' and 'nanny state queen' Alison Redford does of a draconian nature will surprise me. I am still waiting with dread until I read that she has signed over Alberta's oil and mineral wealth to the OIC (Islamic Conference) via her connections in the UN. Anything that happens prior to imminent betrayal seems anti-climactic, and no, I am not talking about global warming.

Monday, 18 June 2012

UN slams Quebec’s ‘alarming’ anti-protest legislation Bill 78

Of course the UN opposes any haggard response the Quebec Charest government makes to control what has become a protest whose ultimate goal is the destruction of capitalism, democracy and ultimately Canada's sovereignty. As this agenda is precisely the same agenda that the UN has for Canada and all other secular democracies, you can see why they will take the part of the protesters. No surprise there.

Egypt’s ‘Arab Spring’ doesn’t end as scripted as power struggle remains

This is of course a completely predictable result in any Muslim majority country. Islam, the totalitarian ideology, and lets face it folks that is what it is at its core, only feeds extremism in any country where it is the dominant religion, so-called. This applies to the Middle East, with the exception of the noble state of Israel, most of North Africa, many former Soviet satellites in Asia and in Eastern Europe, as well as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia and Indonesia. The extremism in Muslim majority countries usually manifests itself in two distinct ways. Either through a military dictatorship like Egypt under Mubarak which spent much of its energy and treasure trying to control the Islamist extremists such as the Muslim Brotherhood, or a theological dictatorship like the current fascist regime in Iran which spends much of its energy and treasure try to control the military/secularist extremists like the now deposed Shah of Iran. The inroads that lovers of democracy make in such a potboiler of extremism, are negligible as we are now discovering in Egypt since the deposing of Mubarak under the auspices of the Arab Spring, so-called.* Tyranny, was, is and will remain the pervasive effect of Islam in the above mentioned countries. The ideological component of Islam is fascist at its core. It is aggressively anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist, anti-Sikhism, anti-Zoroastrianism, anti-Secular, anti-Democracy anti-Woman, anti-Joy; in short, anti-Life. Islam is a totalitarian ideology whose very survival, much like that of Nazism, is dependent on brooking no competition for the hearts and minds of humanity. Like all totalitarian ideologies Islam is based on the Lie. By definition a totalitarian ideology cannot continue to exist unless it destroys its competition. It must destroy its competition because the Lie cannot stand being exposed because when the Lie is exposed it loses all power and credibility. We can see therefore that wherever this extremist ideology is the dominant and hostilely intolerant faith, that only tyranny can exist, because Islam is a tyranny and it conditions its adherents to only understand tyranny. The continuing competition among extremists in Egypt and other Islamic majority countries for power will continue to exist, ad nauseum, until Islam the ideology is declared illegal and eliminated from the worlds body politic.

Kelly McParland: If Alberta gets any more ‘progressive’, where will the rednecks go?

The term "progressives" is a misnomer. Those we normally term as "progressives" would be more accurately called "degeneratives". One makes progress in the sciences and technology but unfortunately these seekers after truth and a better way of living are not who we normally term as "progressives". What we normally call "progressives" are products of the delusional Left who fatuously imagine they can improve upon morality and truth. Thus the "progressives" bring us legalized abortion and the mass murder of innocents; they bring us gay marriage and the encouragement of a deviant lifestyle and the breakup of the traditional nuclear family; they bring us politicized enviromentalism, which turns a once noble pursuit into a tool for far Left political agendas such as undermining Canada petroleum industry; they bring us animal right extremists like PETA who would have us all eating corn husk meal if they could get away with it while ignorning the plight of starving children worldwide; and they bring us the continue degeneration of the UN along with its far Left agenda of undermining the sovereignty of Canada, the US and other flourishing secular democracies. Incidentally Alison Redford is a dyed-in-the-wall product of that degenerative UN culture. Redford is no more a conservative, than Mulcair, rather at her heart a Leftist internationalist with a sordid agenda. Mark my words, if that deceitful woman remains long in power you will witness the progressive degeneration of the once proud and individualistic province of Alberta very similar to the degeneration McGuinty continues to unleash in Ontario. That is what "progressives a.k.a. degeneratives" do.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Would the Liberals survive a merger with the NDP?"

Whatever that ephemeral thing is that the traditionally pragmatic Liberals imagine that they are, it was never quite loony enough to be socialist or principled enough to be conservative. They were like greyhounds chasing down the electric rabbit at the races in their attempt to capture the elusive 'centre'of Canadian politics. They sometimes won the race but could never be said to own the centre. They merely corralled it for a time. Thus, if the Liberals ever joined the ideologically driven NDP, it would in essence be an assimilation of an undefined and thus vulnerable political culture (the Liberals) by a defined and aggressive political culture (the NDP). The inevitable result would be as obvious as the wart on the shoulders of Thomas Mulcair that some call his head, to wit, the Liberals would disappear into political oblivion.

Charles Krauthammer calls Obama's latest immigration policy to be "out and out lawlessness."

Like anything that Obama does this is purely motivated by political considerations. Obama is functionally incapable of doing anything, from ordering the kill on Bin Ladin to cooperating with the Israelis on a cyber war against Iran, to ordering the surge in Afghanistan (before he ordered pre-mature withdrawal) without finding some way to spin it to his political advantage. Obama is getting desperate, he knows much of his traditional support among Blacks, Hispanics and the Loony Left is eroding and the polls show that Independents are turning their back on him in droves; thus, he feels his back is against the wall. This latest illegal faux pas by Obama is clearly a direct pandering to the Hispanic community who make up the lion's share of illegals in America. The trouble for Obama, even among those who still like him is that he now has an economic record which is deplorable and thus he can no longer run on "Hope and Change" because the last three and a half years have demonstrated that there is no hope and the only change has been for the worst. As he cannot run on his deplorable record he has been reduced to out and out bribes, as this illegal declaration of a limited amnesty clearly is. Keep the following in mind as we go forward. Barring a major bafflegab by Romney or his many proxies, there is high likelihood that Obama will lose the general election in November. If he loses then the American people should start getting really worried. During the lame duck session after the election until Romney's inauguration in the spring of 2013, a chastised and now malevolent Obama has a list of six UN political treaties to sign * " which would each strip the USA of its freedom and treasure. If Obama and the Senate sign and ratify the International Criminal Court Treaty, The Law of the Sea Treaty, the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, the European Code of Conduct in Outer Space, the United Nations Convention on the Child and the requirements of Agenda 21" those treaties will mean that International law trumps American Law, that half our offshore mineral, gas and oil wealth will have to be paid to the UN, that the UN can establish gun control in the USA, that the UN can force the USA to control green house gases and pollution and US Citizens will be forced to provide welfare to all the children in the world." In short, if this far Left Manchurian Candidate, Barack Obama loses the election, Americans may have to seek impeachment against him to avoid the destruction of America. * quote is from James R. Holland's review of Dick Morris's new book entitled "Screwed" which is available on

Friday, 15 June 2012

Ronald Reagan wrote : "Since the birth of Israel there has been an ironclad bond between that democracy and this one."

There is a sacred bond between the United States and Israel but if the truth were honestly stated that bond is between the world's greatest bastion of Christianity (the U.S.) and the heart of Judaism (Israel.) Let us never forget the spiritual bond behind the political bond.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Glen Beck TV, overreacting to the recent blowout between Michelle Malkin and Juan William during a debate on Fox New's "Hannity"

It was NRP (National Public Radio) who Williams worked for and who threw him under the bus when he dared to mention on the Bill O'Reilly show on Fox Cable News, that overtly dressed Muslims, ie. women wearing burqas or nigabs and bearded men wearing pajamas, who were sitting on the same plane as him, made him feel nervous. That was it, that is all he said, but it was enough for an NRP official to deem him crazy and arrange for his firing. Apparently freedom of speech in America does not include the right to express ones concerns about Muslims even if those feelings were heat felt and genuine. He did not attack all Muslims he was merely expressing an honest emotion. On the otherhand, people should never forget that although Fox hired Williams on the spot after his shameful firing by NRP, they hired Williams as a 'liberal' commentator. He was hired to be controversial and dispute the claims of his conservative colleagues when he disagreed with them so one should not be surprised if they find Williams merely doing the job that he was hired to do I believe this little set to between Michelle Malkin and Juan Williams (who incidentally both respect one another behind the scenes) is being overblown. It was said in the heat of the moment and both will get over it quickly enough and move on. Both Malkin and Williams are very thick skinned as you have to be in their business and have had much worse criticism applied to both of them. Juan Williams is a very decent man with a lot of courage and professional integrity and conservatives would we well served to remember that about Juan whenever he says something they take issue with. Juan Williams is the least of our troubles from the 'liberal' camp. We have much bigger fish to fry such as most of the mainstream media particularly MSNBC commentators not to mention far Left 'comedians' such as the consistently obnoxious Bill Maher. journalism/

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Dr. Aw's Banning Jag a la New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg

The demented Dr. Aw writes in his alleged concern for public health, "in Canada, we need to do more to make it difficult to access unhealthy foods, with taxes or school bans. We also need to make it easier to consume healthy foods — by increasing access to drinking water in public places, for example. Improved nutritional labelling is certain to help. We certainly need to address the link between obesity and poverty by making more affordable healthy foods available in disadvantaged communities." No we don't Dr. Aw, you health fascist, we don't need to do anything of the kind. Instead we need to raise our children appropriately so as to create a society where people are encouraged to take and accept personal responsibility and learn to grasp the concept of moderation as a rational mode of living. If we did so, health fascists like you, would be totally redundant, Now THAT, is a cheerful thought. Lets just ban, banners, and then we can go about our lives without panty-waisted nanny-staters presuming, in their shrill and demented way, that they have the right, nay the obligation, to tell us how to live. F_ck off!

Monday, 11 June 2012

Rex Murphy on Canada's New Two Party System

Although I never have been a Liberal supporter, indeed even the thought of such an action sticks in my craw, I cannot resist the impulse of sadness even a chilling foreboding at the collapse and near demise of the Liberal party. Mr. Murphy's articulate analysis has much more in common with that of a paleontologist sifting through the fossilized bones of a long extinct species than a topical commentary on a political party still in the running. The ascendancy of the NDP, relative to the Liberals at least, speaks threateningly of a vacuous, entitlement culture on the rise not only in Canada, but throughout the Western world. Whether we are talking about the student anarchists in Quebec protesting the lowest tuition fees in the country, the hockey night rioters and vandals in Vancouver who have lost all sense of propriety and respect for the fine society their forbears had created, the untutored and malodorous "Occupy" movement who stand like a non-contributing gaping maw of insatiable demands and zero ideas etc., they are all of like mind, or should I say, no mind. Certainly, it is this panhandler/anarchist/criminal culture which are the primary constituency of the NDP. Mulcair, like the mindless, grasping zombies he represents, feels no need to make sense only to continue to find ways to constantly keep his permanent scowl in your face and in the news. This is what the new "two-party system" in Canada has been reduced to. The sane, contributing, tax paying, productive and law-abiding majority of Canadians currently represented by the Conservative Party of Canada on the one hand and the absolute dregs of society represented by the NDP. The old 'centre' of Canadian politics which the Liberals use to represent has gone the way of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Teens Arrested in Ottawa for Pimping

This type of activity by teens is the same mindset that prevails throughout our self-indulgent, morally bankrupt, entitlement culture which is fed by the banality and tacit approval of the opaque Left. Whether it is the hockey night rioters, the Occupy morons, the Quebec student protesters, the G-20 vandals etc. they are all a reflection of the depleted and moronic mores of our times which tell us that we are merely an aggregate of our environmental influences and not to be held morally responsible for our sordid actions. This at least is the message our children are getting through their education system and the far Left mainstream media.