Monday, 11 June 2012

Rex Murphy on Canada's New Two Party System

Although I never have been a Liberal supporter, indeed even the thought of such an action sticks in my craw, I cannot resist the impulse of sadness even a chilling foreboding at the collapse and near demise of the Liberal party. Mr. Murphy's articulate analysis has much more in common with that of a paleontologist sifting through the fossilized bones of a long extinct species than a topical commentary on a political party still in the running. The ascendancy of the NDP, relative to the Liberals at least, speaks threateningly of a vacuous, entitlement culture on the rise not only in Canada, but throughout the Western world. Whether we are talking about the student anarchists in Quebec protesting the lowest tuition fees in the country, the hockey night rioters and vandals in Vancouver who have lost all sense of propriety and respect for the fine society their forbears had created, the untutored and malodorous "Occupy" movement who stand like a non-contributing gaping maw of insatiable demands and zero ideas etc., they are all of like mind, or should I say, no mind. Certainly, it is this panhandler/anarchist/criminal culture which are the primary constituency of the NDP. Mulcair, like the mindless, grasping zombies he represents, feels no need to make sense only to continue to find ways to constantly keep his permanent scowl in your face and in the news. This is what the new "two-party system" in Canada has been reduced to. The sane, contributing, tax paying, productive and law-abiding majority of Canadians currently represented by the Conservative Party of Canada on the one hand and the absolute dregs of society represented by the NDP. The old 'centre' of Canadian politics which the Liberals use to represent has gone the way of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

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