Thursday, 28 June 2012

Tarek Fatah writes of "Brothers’ of the Muslim Brotherhood"

This advent of the Muslim Brotherhood assuming control of l Egypt, even democratically ,is of course a completely predictable result. The fascism which is endemic to the Muslim Brotherhood is hardly unique to the Brotherhood in the Islamic world but is merely an extension of the ideological component of the religion (so-called) of Islam, which is itself totalitarian in its makeup. Since Islam's inception, Islamic societies have attempted to establish theocratic dictatoships throughout Arab lands and the lands they had conquered. They established their tyranncal societies via the auspices of Sharia Law, or by making Sharia Law the primary law of the land. For those of you who still do not get it, Sharia Law, is, according to Muslim belief, Allah's law, NOT manmade law which is the law of the secular/democratic West. When Sharia Law is implemented, which the Muslim Brotherhood intends to do, then by definition the rights of Muslim men and boys become supreme according to the dictates of that law, Muslim women and girls become chattel to be used at the discretion of men, and all religious, ethnic and racial minorities become second-class and oppressed citizens subordinate to the dominant and supremacist Muslim culture. Any honest evaluation of the Sharia based society understands that it can never be and/or remain democratic, as we in the West understand democracy. For the secular/democractic Westerner, democratic societies are based on a generalized equality among ALL peoples. This equality does not exist in Egypt (nor any Muslim majority nation) and will never exist in Egypt as long the Muslim Brotherhood, or indeed any form of Islamist government, reigns supreme. In summary, tyranny, was, is and will remain the pervasive effect of Islam in any country where it is dominant. The ideological component of Islam is tyrannical at its core and will remain so indefinitely unless the Quran and thus Islam is reformed. There is no indication that this will happen under the primitive brief structure which currently exists which holds that the writings in the Quran are the sacred, infallible and unchangeable words of Allah and cannot be altered, upon pain of death. The fascism therefore, which is endemic to the Muslim Brotherhood, is merely an extension of that all pervasive tyrannical political component of Islam. To imagine otherwise is to be naive beyond the ken at best and to be dangerously delusional at worst and imminently vulnerable to attack and defeat by the Islamists.

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