Wednesday, 20 June 2012

White supremacists take aim at Canadian Forces

Isn't it interesting how so many automatically assume that racists and/or racial supremacists have to be white. Enlightened, well traveled and more worldly people know that belief in racial supremacism is a pan racial phenomena and is practiced throughout the globe. The Japanese practiced racial supremacism against the Chinese during the "Rape of Nanking", in their sub-human treatment of Allied prisoners, and their misuse of Korean women as sex slaves during WW11. Even today, Arab racial supremacists in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Sudan and throughout the Arab emirates treat brown-coloured foreign workers much worse than their Arab or White counterparts, even to the point of enslavement which is also still practiced in pockets of the Middle East.. The racial apartheid practiced in the US by Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam is a racist practice but implementrd with enthusiasm and venom in that organization. Even today, in the People's Republic of China, non-Han Chinese people are widely regarded as "foreign devils" and regarded and treated as racially inferior by the majority Han Chinese. So, by all means, cry out against racism, but be not so provincial and uninformed that you automatically lay it a the feet of white people when it is practiced universally.

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