Monday, 18 June 2012

Egypt’s ‘Arab Spring’ doesn’t end as scripted as power struggle remains

This is of course a completely predictable result in any Muslim majority country. Islam, the totalitarian ideology, and lets face it folks that is what it is at its core, only feeds extremism in any country where it is the dominant religion, so-called. This applies to the Middle East, with the exception of the noble state of Israel, most of North Africa, many former Soviet satellites in Asia and in Eastern Europe, as well as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia and Indonesia. The extremism in Muslim majority countries usually manifests itself in two distinct ways. Either through a military dictatorship like Egypt under Mubarak which spent much of its energy and treasure trying to control the Islamist extremists such as the Muslim Brotherhood, or a theological dictatorship like the current fascist regime in Iran which spends much of its energy and treasure try to control the military/secularist extremists like the now deposed Shah of Iran. The inroads that lovers of democracy make in such a potboiler of extremism, are negligible as we are now discovering in Egypt since the deposing of Mubarak under the auspices of the Arab Spring, so-called.* Tyranny, was, is and will remain the pervasive effect of Islam in the above mentioned countries. The ideological component of Islam is fascist at its core. It is aggressively anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-Hindu, anti-Buddhist, anti-Sikhism, anti-Zoroastrianism, anti-Secular, anti-Democracy anti-Woman, anti-Joy; in short, anti-Life. Islam is a totalitarian ideology whose very survival, much like that of Nazism, is dependent on brooking no competition for the hearts and minds of humanity. Like all totalitarian ideologies Islam is based on the Lie. By definition a totalitarian ideology cannot continue to exist unless it destroys its competition. It must destroy its competition because the Lie cannot stand being exposed because when the Lie is exposed it loses all power and credibility. We can see therefore that wherever this extremist ideology is the dominant and hostilely intolerant faith, that only tyranny can exist, because Islam is a tyranny and it conditions its adherents to only understand tyranny. The continuing competition among extremists in Egypt and other Islamic majority countries for power will continue to exist, ad nauseum, until Islam the ideology is declared illegal and eliminated from the worlds body politic.

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