Sunday, 17 June 2012

Charles Krauthammer calls Obama's latest immigration policy to be "out and out lawlessness."

Like anything that Obama does this is purely motivated by political considerations. Obama is functionally incapable of doing anything, from ordering the kill on Bin Ladin to cooperating with the Israelis on a cyber war against Iran, to ordering the surge in Afghanistan (before he ordered pre-mature withdrawal) without finding some way to spin it to his political advantage. Obama is getting desperate, he knows much of his traditional support among Blacks, Hispanics and the Loony Left is eroding and the polls show that Independents are turning their back on him in droves; thus, he feels his back is against the wall. This latest illegal faux pas by Obama is clearly a direct pandering to the Hispanic community who make up the lion's share of illegals in America. The trouble for Obama, even among those who still like him is that he now has an economic record which is deplorable and thus he can no longer run on "Hope and Change" because the last three and a half years have demonstrated that there is no hope and the only change has been for the worst. As he cannot run on his deplorable record he has been reduced to out and out bribes, as this illegal declaration of a limited amnesty clearly is. Keep the following in mind as we go forward. Barring a major bafflegab by Romney or his many proxies, there is high likelihood that Obama will lose the general election in November. If he loses then the American people should start getting really worried. During the lame duck session after the election until Romney's inauguration in the spring of 2013, a chastised and now malevolent Obama has a list of six UN political treaties to sign * " which would each strip the USA of its freedom and treasure. If Obama and the Senate sign and ratify the International Criminal Court Treaty, The Law of the Sea Treaty, the United Nations Small Arms Treaty, the European Code of Conduct in Outer Space, the United Nations Convention on the Child and the requirements of Agenda 21" those treaties will mean that International law trumps American Law, that half our offshore mineral, gas and oil wealth will have to be paid to the UN, that the UN can establish gun control in the USA, that the UN can force the USA to control green house gases and pollution and US Citizens will be forced to provide welfare to all the children in the world." In short, if this far Left Manchurian Candidate, Barack Obama loses the election, Americans may have to seek impeachment against him to avoid the destruction of America. * quote is from James R. Holland's review of Dick Morris's new book entitled "Screwed" which is available on

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